The Sudanese ICT Advisory Group (SICTA)

Member Title: Sudanese ICT Experts
Organization: SICTA



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The Sudanese ICT Advisory Group (SICTA) in its nature is a think-tank. It is founded by a group of independent
Sudanese ICT experts who have taken the initiative to help shape a viable ICT sector in Sudan.


SICTA’s role involves working closely with Sudan’s ICT ecosystem stakeholders in all ICT-related activities that help to develop the sector.


SICTA is a not-for-profit professional association with no political affiliations to any party or political group and is
strictly a professional body that is comprised of members who are willing to contribute their experiences for the
the wellbeing of Sundanese people using ICT as an enabler.


SICTA will be working, as per the definition of – think-tank (1), on helping to develop the ICT sector in Sudan by means
of strategy development, public policy drafting, capacity building, and technical support. Accordingly, SICTA will not
be involved, directly or indirectly, in any political activities.


SICTA is not a pressure group, however, in some specific cases SICTA might lobby for major decisions related to
Sudan ICT sector. Such lobbying should be taken very carefully so as not to move into political territories and not to
impact SICTA credibility and independency as a professional body. However, in the future, any additional roles and/or changes of roles could be considered and will be decided via the decision-making process within the steering committee.


Membership in SICTA is open to all professionals who are willing to contribute their expertise and efforts to help
develop the ICT Sector in Sudan. Candidates should go through the Membership Onboarding Process. The
Onboarding Process is meant to help utilize the candidate’s expertise is the best way to meet the objectives of SICTA.


A series about introducing the telecommunications and information technology sector in Sudan from the Sudanese Consultative Group for Communications and Informatics (SICTA) – the second video on “Electronic Systems for Procurement Management”
In cooperation with Sudan Bokra channel




A series about introducing the telecommunications and information technology sector in Sudan from the Sudanese Consultative Group for Communications and Informatics (SICTA) – the third video on “Telecom Infrastructure in Sudan”.

Engineer: Nizar Gad Karim Arabi. Expert in the communications and information technology sector.

In cooperation with Sudan Bokra channel.





A series about introducing the telecommunications and information technology sector in Sudan from the Sudanese Consultative Group for Communications and Informatics (SICTA) – the fourth video on “Big Data and its Impact on Planning”.

Loay Jar Alnabi. Expert in communications and information technology sector.

In cooperation with Sudan Bokra channel.



A series about introducing the telecommunications and information technology sector in Sudan from the Sudanese Consultative Group for Communications and Informatics (SICTA) – the fifth video on “Startups and their role on production”.

Engineer: Nizar Gad Karim Arabi. Expert in the communications and information technology sector.

In cooperation with Sudan Bokra channel.



A series about introducing the telecommunications and information technology sector in Sudan from the Sudanese Consultative Group for Communications and Informatics (SICTA) – the video on “Financial Inclusion”.

In cooperation with Sudan Bokra channel.



A series about introducing the telecommunications and information technology sector in Sudan from the Sudanese Consultative Group for Communications and Informatics (SICTA) – the sixth video on “The role of the telecommunications and information technology sector in development. ”

Dr. Safaa Al-Boushi, Strategic Consultant and Communication Engineer.

In cooperation with Sudan Bokra channel.



A series about introducing the telecommunications and information technology sector in Sudan from the Sudanese Consultative Group for Communications and Informatics (SICTA) – the seventh video on “Digital transformation and e-government ”

Eng. Basam Babiker, Information Technology Consultant.

In cooperation with Sudan Bokra channel.
