Safe Stoves for Darfur Refugee Mothers
Posted 4 years ago
- 1745
General Scope of Work and Supply
1.0. Overview:
1.1. Introduction:
The aim of this project is to establish a reliable electric power supply to National Grid in the central part of Sudan by the construction of solar power projects.
1.2 Metrological Data:
Maximum Temperature 50 °C
Minimum Temperature 10 °C
Average Humidity 30%
Pollution level Normal
2.0. Technical Scope
The Al-Bageer Project will require the design, engineering, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of a fixed tilted ground-mounted photovoltaic power plant of approximately 10 MWp installed PV power together with associated infrastructure and facilities.
2.1. Type And Capacity: 10 MW photovoltaic solar power plant
2.2. Location
The PV plant will be located in the proximity of Khartoum (approximately 36 km southeast of Khartoum). The average annual solar irradiation rate is high at 2,398 kWh/m2. The terrain is flat and suitable for PV applications. The total available area for the PV plant is approximately 421,000 m2(see Table 1).
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National Priorities
2- Stabilize the Economy
SDG Goals
7- Affordable and Clean Energy, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Project Type
Development, Investment
Vetted, High Impact
Entity Type
Ready for Funding