I am the founder and the President of Sudanese Association for Scientific Talents (SAST) I am the founder and Director General of SAST Centre for Advanced Training
I am the founder and the President of Sudanese Association for Scientific Talents (SAST) I am the founder and Director General of SAST Centre for Advanced Training
Medical oncologist at Central Care Cancer Center, Newton, KS, USA.
Founding Manager of Tat3im initiative (Tat3im=Immunization), Ahfad University for Women. Lecturer of Public Health, School of Health Sciences PhD candidate, CAPHRI, Maastricht University, Netherlands
The Execution Premium Process (XPP) In Corporate the Balanced Scored Card
Guy Adam is Co-Managing Editor of Africa Policy Journal at Harvard Kenndey School of Government and Politics. He was born in Darfur, located in the western part of Sudan
Mohamed is a research and Insights manager with over 10 years of working experience. Throughout his career, Mohamed has worked in projects covering social sector policy, economic
I am a researcher in forest ecology (20 years). Involving in planning and executing the forest research projects. A member of Sudanese Women in Science Organization (SWSO)
– Publisher in Spc marine Magazine (SANGANEEB). – Marine Pilot class I jebel Ali port & Port Rashid Dubai under Dp World & P&O Maritime. (5 years)..
Sudanese Women in Science Organization (SWSO) is an NGO that is committed to empowering Sudanese females in all levels and achieve gender equity through science and scientific
Tahra has been working in the field of corporate strategical financial control for 20 years. She has worked in different regions including London, Dubai, Qatar and other
Abdulgadir Mustafa MSc (O&SCM) I CPIM I CSCM I PMP I CSCA I CMP I CHSCA ISCEA’ Business Advisor, Lean & Supply Chain Management Middle East &
Leen aims to participate in improving the investment and economic status in Sudan to meet the standards of global market. We achieve this through accurate financial data
Mohamed D.M. Salih 1974 Saint Paul St., Denver, Colorado 80210 Professional Summary: A bright, talented, and ambitious lawyer with experience in representing clients
Sudanese Urban Development and Infrastructure Initiative ( SUDTT) is derived by about 100 Sudanese experts and engineers with extensive experience in urban planning, urban development, infrastructure design,
درست حتى الثانوي (تجاري) في السودان ١٩٩٩ـ ٢٠٠٢، ثم فتحت مشروع خاص و كان عبارة عن صالون حلاقة ٢٠٠٤ـ ٢٠٠٨. هاجرت الى السويد في ٢٠٠٩، و حصلت
I am An Architect Graduated from Khartoum University 2003 10 year practice as Consultant holding DBA from University of khartoum 2013 Intersted in Hospital design and Rehabilitation
EDUCATION: • B.Sc. in Geology Department, Faculty of Earth Science, Red Sea University. February 2011 • Graduation Project: Hydrological study of drinking water in Gedaref city •
I am mechanical engineer work at Sudanese thermal power generating company for over 17years as gas turbine maintenance engineer . Today I am gas turbine chief executing
Dr. Mohamed A. SayedProfessor of PsychologyDr. Mohamed Sayed is a graduate of Howard University in Washington DC with a PhD in Psychology (1993). He further completed a
I have around 20 years of professional experience in management & coordination of international humanitarian action, including 15 years at senior level where I managed large multidisciplinary
Experienced Engineering Technician with a demonstrated history of working in the geology & civil engineering industry. Skilled in Management, Report Writing, Microsoft PowerPoint and Construction Safety. Strong
Work Experiences: 04 Mar 2019 to Present (Glen Research) R&D Scientist: Propose and evaluate new products for potential inclusion in product
Mr. Mukhtar is a mechanical systems engineer and an international development practitioner, Mr. Mukhtar worked for several international organizations starting as project manager with Save the Children
Sudanese Maritime Pilots SMP is a professional, nonprofitmaking body for all Sudanese Maritime Pilots serving in Sudan or over seas. It is primarily concerned with promoting professional
I am an experienced business analyst who has previous software engineering experience. My main domain is the development and improvement of financial services. Also, I am interested
Abdalla Alameen: received a B.Sc. degree in computer science from the International University of Africa, Sudan in 1997. He completed his M.Sc. in information technology from ALNeelain
Project engineering, and management as well as supervision in exaction of FEED and EPIC contracts Mechanical systems for crude oil and water pipelines Mechanical system for tank
Designation:– civil engineering Email:- mahaeltahir@hotmail.com contact information linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/maha-mustafa-eltahir-ibraheim-dr/42/88a/673 Education background PHD: philosophy of structural engineering( karri university 2010) MSC: science of building technology (BRRI 1996) BSC:
I am Hassan Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed I was born in western Sudan – North Darfur El Fasher 15/04/1994 I love volunteering and I have participated in many
UGAIN Is University of Gezira Alumni association that represents the university graduates, professors and associates in North America. The initial group was founded in 2017 to fundraise
Information Technology Expert, Bioinformatics, Chemoinformatics
Mechanical engineer expert particularly in renewable energy sector, 15 year of wide industrial experiences Oil & Gas Industries Power Plants
I am the QHSE Manager in GARGASH GROUP – Dubai United Arab Emirates I am a qualified QHSE professional with more than 10 years of experience in
Graduated in October 1992 from Saint Louis University, Philippines, with B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering Power, have been leading a portfolio of EPC Project Management & Business Development
Amal Osman has Capabilities in leadership, motivation, teamwork, and collaboration. Her work with diversity workplace on the humanitarian fieldwork (NGOs) and hospitality providing a solid foundation for