Braa is a Sudanese young lady who has been selected from hundreds of applicants to join the Girls In Tech Program and has successfully completed it. She
Braa is a Sudanese young lady who has been selected from hundreds of applicants to join the Girls In Tech Program and has successfully completed it. She
Eng. Hatim Mohamed Abdelrazig is an Aircraft Maintenance Manager at the National Aviation Service in Kuwait International Airport. To learn more, please click on the tab below.
An accomplished leader, Hiba Sharief was named one of Silicon Valley’s 2017 “40 under 40″ by the Silicon Valley Business Journal and has been appointed as Women
د. معز الشريف الأصل النيل الابيض والمولد والنشأة الجزيرة , اسكن الخرطوم الرياض شمال مستشفى مكة للعيون بكلاريوس قانون بكلاريوس ادارة ماجستير اعلام دكتوراه في العلوم السياسية
Personal Data: ➢ Email: ➢ Nationality:American, Sudanese ➢ Status: Married & mother of 5 Objectives: Highly motivated qualified Agricultural Economist. QUALIFICATIONS: University of Dongola
الاعلامي والموسيقي والقانوني عبد المحمود عبد السلام تاريخ الميلاد: 1/1/1970م . مكان الميلاد:-مدينة ودمدني السكن والاقامه: ام درمان -الفتيحاب العمل الحكومي الحالي رئاسة الهيئه السودانيه للمواصفات
Mohamed S. Khalil is a Policy Advisor and Entrepreneur at CommBridges – Emerson College and is an expert in Public Policy, Financial Compliance & Grassroots Advocacy in
The Sudanese Environment Conservation Society SECS was officially registered in 1975 at the Humanitarian Aid Commission, Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs as a pioneer national environmental NGO. Its
Mussab Babiker H. Okair – Telecom Engineer, Msc in IT projects Management. – Local Government development Activist – Co-partners in many Initiatives. – Owner of Kush
Curriculum Vitae Name: Osama Dai Elnaiem Mohammed D.O.B: 21/11/1946. Qualifications: Diploma in Development Finance (D.D.F.), Birmingham University, U.K., 1980. B.Sc. Of Commerce ( Accountancy), Cairo University,
Telecommunications Engineer for Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, and Verizon and also doing C2C with other companies. Investment in Real Estate. Looking forward to making Sudan a better place.
Prof. Asaad Khalid is an active researcher; he has supervised 16 Ph.D. and 9 M.Sc. graduates. Currently, he is leading a research group working mainly on drug
I am a fully trained clinical radiologist and currently a Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School. I earned my medical degree in 2005 from Khartoum
الاسم: رجاء يوسف محمد شاهين الجنسية : السودان المؤهل العلمي بكالوريوس الغة العربية وآدابها جامعة أم درمان الإسلامية ماجستير تخصص ( أدب ونقد ) // //
International Rural Development and Sustainable Micro-finance Specialist, with a career spanning 25 years. An expert in progressive management in development and complex humanitarian contexts in East Africa,
Senior Engineer at Asset Management Directorate – Al Ain Distribution Company (The Sole Supplier of Water and Electricity in the Eastern Region of Abu Dhabi Emirate). Master
The Sudanese ICT Advisory Group (SICTA) in its nature is a think-tank. It is founded by a group of independent Sudanese ICT experts who have taken the
Holder of a biomedical Engineering bachelor degree from University of Medical Sciences and Technology. Seeking new challenges in the work environment, and thriving to expanding my professional
BA (hons) Architecture and Landscape Architecture – UK MSc Construction Economics and Management- UK 10+ years experience in the fields of architecture, architectural design, landscape design, masterplanning,
I was a consultant/researcher in the Industrial Research & Development Centre (now I am retired). We used to prepare the pre-investment feasibility studies for the industrial projects
برنامج يلا نبتكر برنامج يهتم بالابتكارات والاختراعات يحاول تبسيط المفاهيم وتشجيع الشباب على الابتكار برنامج يسعى لنشر ثقافة الاختراع بين المجتمع وتسليط الضوء على العديد من المواضيع
Abdulgadir Mustafa MSc (O&SCM) I CPIM I CSCM I PMP I CSCA I CMP I CHSCA ISCEA’ Business Advisor, Lean & Supply Chain Management Middle East &
الاسم خالدة كامل أبكر حسن السكن :-ولاية الخرطوم محلية أمدرمان المستوى التعليمي..جامعي الخبرات: شهادات قانونيه ….شهادات في العلاج التلطيفي لمرضى السرطان يوغندا شهادة خبرة 11سنه إدارة عامة
2006-Present Associate Professor : Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, Monterey California 2003-2004 Research Fellow: Sustainable Framing Center North Carolina State University, Raleigh North Carolina 1999-2002 Research
electrical engineer. Experience in designing of rail vicheles
Omar Hamad Procurement Officer ASF (JED-RUH-DXB-RABIGH) ATTIEH STEEL CO.FACTORY LTD. Tel: +9662 6081236 Ext.218 Fax: +9662 6081219 Cell: +966 502707148 P.O. Box 12480, Jeddah 21473, Saudi Arabia
Yassir, graduated from U.Of.K with honors degree and received his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery from The University of Cape Town. After that he embarked
M. Elmuntasir, PhD environmental engineering. Largely involved in water resources and environmental management in different roles and capacities in Sudan and East Africa and Nile basin countries.
Expert in Transportation, PPP in Infrastructure and Strategic Planning.
Graduate of the Kordofan University – College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies – Department of Animal Science in December 1997. – Master degree in animal production
I certainly enjoyed my experience in Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine, particularly it has been indifferent to institutions and hospitals with different Medical Cultures and allocated resources. Radiotherapy