DWN Education Project
Posted 4 years ago
- 2138
The following proposal provides a comprehensive program addressing critical needs for displaced and vulnerable families in Darfur, west Sudan. The program targets women and children whose lives have been negatively impacted by decades of conflict in Darfur.
Over two million people remain internally displaced struggling with dire living conditions and left with no choice but to live in crowded camps and scattered settlements. In addition, hundreds of thousands of survivors have crossed the borders to neighboring countries, such as in Chad, Central Republic of Africa, and Uganda, to live in refugee camps. The root causes that led to their displacement are yet to be addressed.
The majority of the internally displaced people in Darfur are women and children. In addition to challenges to mental and psychological wellbeing, these families are suffering from poor physical conditions resulting from the lack of access to basic social services, such as health, education, water, and sanitation. Continued conflict in the region subject these vulnerable communities to violence and a lack of protection, which consequently creates tremendous challenges to their livelihood and wellbeing.
The Darfur Women Network, DWN, is committed to providing Family Social Services and Women’s Economic Empowerment Programs, which enable families to overcome poverty, adapt means of sustainable development, and empower women to improve their livelihood. The DWN has been building collaborations with various non-governmental organizations to further its goals and is planning on applying its extensive experience to assist internally displaced and vulnerable families in Darfur, as well as other regions in Sudan.
To learn more, kindly download the file below:
National Priorities
6- Women Representation, 8- Youth Employment
SDG Goals
1- No Poverty, 2- Zero Hunger, 3- Good Health and Well-being, 4- Quality Education, 5- Gender Equality, 6- Clean Water and Sanitation, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 10- Reducing Inequality, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production, 15- Life On Land, 16- Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Project Type
Development, Humanitarian
High Impact, Immediate Impact
Entity Type
Ready for Funding