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The dream of adequate affordable housing in Sudan


Khartoum as the vast majority of developing cities suffers from many problems among them the fast-growing of its population; it has been indicated that Khartoum's population has been doubling-up almost every ten years. According to habitat report, in 2018 and only about 52% of this growth are newborn while the rest are migrants and the number is growing larger. This resulted in a severe problem in the real estate market, besides the crazy increase in building materials prize as a result of the inflation. All that has been mentioned above along with many other factors resulted in a housing problem.


To learn about how this project can solve this issue, kindly click the link below.

Project Information

  • National Priorities

    8- Youth Employment, 9- Social Development

  • SDG Goals

    1- No Poverty, 6- Clean Water and Sanitation, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities

  • Project Type

    Development, Humanitarian, Investment

  • Status


  • Entity Type


  • Stage


  • Timeline

    Long term

  • Measurable Outcomes (Goals)

    The idea of having home is a dream to many Sudanese families let alone having adequate one .My aim as a Sudanese architect is to establish affordable housing construction company so I can help to provide some of them with adequate

  • Project Detailed Plan

Project Manager Contact

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