Al Mayzab Digital Library
Posted 3 years ago
- 1906
Education is a powerful tool that can be used to change the world for the better, to give opportunities for a prosperous future for the next generation, and to ensure people can deal with different situations and views. With years of continuous interruption in everyday activities for the children of Darfur, education has been interrupted for younger generations. The Darfur Women Network committed to improve this situation and invest in our children by providing them opportunities to receive the education they deserve. The DWN uses a multi-layered approach that will not only provide educational opportunities, but income-generating assistance and resources to families that will allow children freedom from work and support to learn, the dropouts and irregular children from displaced and vulnerable families will have greater opportunity to improve their futures. This project aligns with SDG goals for 2030.
National Priorities
9- Social Development
SDG Goals
4- Quality Education
Project Type
Development, Humanitarian, Investment
Entity Type
Ready for Funding