Khotwa Charity Foundation
Posted 4 years ago
- 2077
This draft plan represents a viewpoint on how and what the pharmaceutical services in SUDAN is delivering.
For more information, kindly click the tab below:
National Priorities
3- Reform Institutions
SDG Goals
3- Good Health and Well-being, 17- Partnerships for the Goals
Project Type
Development, Humanitarian
Entity Type
Private, Cooperative
Long term
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
Phase 1
A gap analysis report to be conducted at 3 functions (expectations vs. current situation):
- Central medical supply, Sudan
- General Directorate of Pharmacy, Sudan
- National Medicine and Poisons Board (NMPB), Sudan
Phase 2
a. Identify priority projects (e.g. market research for essential medicine demand in Sudan (via 3rd party research company).
b. National policy and strategy (access to quality medicines, Sudan)..
c. Digital transformation (efficiency & cost reduction)
d. Capacity building project (leadership, management, CPD, communication and IT literacy)..
e. Others..
Phase 3
Project Detailed Plan