Project Management Initiative

Project Summary & Outputs

Project Management Initiative

1 Review


Project Management Initiative

Project goal:

To initiate the identification of Sudanese Project Management Expertise in the social sector and focus on areas of: youth development, Volunteering, community development and social work.



To maximize collaboration between all Sudanese PM experts, facilitating networking and ultimately return back to our do this we need our collective efforts, but first we need to know who are our peer colleagues in this field and collaborate together.


Project Information

  • SDG Goals

    8- Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • Project Type


  • Status


  • Entity Type


  • Stage


  • Timeline


  • Measurable Outcomes (Goals)

    Project outputs:

    a) Identification and linking of Sudanese expertise in the focused areas of social sector (aiming for 400 Sudanese PM Experts by March End 2021)

    b) i) Developing of a dedicated platform for members to communicate and collaborate via it (aiming for Nov 2019 to be actively running via FB)

    ii) Developing of a dedicated mobile app to communicate and collaborate via it (Aiming for June
    End 2021)

    c)Building of Knowledge base and Sudanese Project Management Mentoring Program for providing consulting to youth/requestors who require project management advice (By December end 2021) ; serve as beneficial PM consulting reference in Sudan social sector) -

    d) Establishing the Sudanese Social Sector Project Management Formal Society by March 2022 ;become the #1 resource platforms for Sudanese Social Sector

  • Project Detailed Plan

  • Supporting Documents

Project Manager Contact

1 Review


4 years ago

Sudan and its government need Project Management experts so much than any time else.