Al Mayzab Digital Library
Posted 3 years ago
- 1884
The Cyber Mentors Initiative, supported by the Sudanese Working Abroad Commission, is designed to prepare young scientists for successful independent health-related research among medical students, health sciences graduate students and young scientists in Sudanese medical and academic institutions. The two-year-long mentorship program utilizes state of the art distance collaboration and learning technologies (e.g., social media, webinars, skype, etc.), which facilitate
the development of professional relationships supporting mentees' research efforts. The program prepares the mentee to submit a successful research proposal to be submitted for funding. The Cyber Research Mentors program matches early-career scientists with mentors who are leaders in the field of health research. The Program objectives are:
National Priorities
8- Youth Employment, 9- Social Development
SDG Goals
3- Good Health and Well-being, 4- Quality Education, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities
Project Type
Entity Type
NGO, Private
In Execution
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
Introduce a high level of health-related research
Produce more research
Raise research profile of Sudanese scientist
This model of research mentoring can be applied to other specialties
Supporting Documents