Al Mayzab Digital Library
Posted 3 years ago
- 1884
National Priorities
6- Women Representation, 8- Youth Employment, 9- Social Development
SDG Goals
3- Good Health and Well-being, 4- Quality Education, 5- Gender Equality, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 10- Reducing Inequality, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production
Project Type
Development, Investment
Vetted, Immediate Impact
Entity Type
In Execution
Long term
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
Participants who volunteered, taught, or trained will be (through utilizing the skills
they earned) able to:
Be more aware of their communities and most importantly themselves, this will in
turn help them motivate themselves and preserver for what they aspire and hope
to achieve.
Learn the skills of life -essential skills- and acquire new hand craft skills.
Understand worldwide issues.
Acquire team work spirit.
Relate with the community .