Al Mayzab Digital Library
Posted 3 years ago
- 1883
The right to education is a human right for all children in the world. However, in Sudan, this right has been denied for the majority of the children, especially those in the rural areas and marginalized regions of the country. After two years of school interruptions, and when finally the children were about to return to school this fall with a reformed curriculum and free textbooks, this dream was chattered by the lack of funds to print textbooks, and now freezing of the academic year is a very real possibility for the children of Sudan.
We reject this desperate reality! Together we can fund the printing of textbooks for every child in Sudan, so they can return to their schools by November, next month. Please donate through our initiative honoring our fallen teachers: Ms. Zeinab Badr Eldin and Mr. Ahmed Elkhair.
Our donations are an investment in the children of Sudan and part of our obligation to future generations!
National Priorities
8- Youth Employment
SDG Goals
4- Quality Education
Project Type
Development, Humanitarian
Entity Type
Ready for Funding