Support Sudanese Farmers مبادرة شراءالقمح من المزارعين
Posted 2 years ago
- 1726
I have started this promising pilot at the rooftop of my house (approx. 200 m2), last January 2019; and I called it SRTVG (Sudan Rooftop vegetable garden), aiming to:
• maximize the use of my rooftop, by greening the empty and ideal space;
• eat healthy bio-vegetables (only natural fertilizers & pesticides used);
• reduce living-costs of ever-increasing vegetable prices;
• reduce house heating by planting a green-layer on rooftop to absorb the huge amount of direct sun-rays;
• use my SRTVG as a demonstration site to: a) widely speared the concept of "do-what-you-see", b) stimulate others to follow and expand the project idea among Khartoum and urban citizens at large, c) collaborate with concerned national authorities and CBOs mandated with environment conservation and agricultural-extension to adopt the project and help expanding it to benefit other communities (i.e. AgriculturalExtension Dept.)
• extend a hand to needy people around the community, by donating extra-production of vegetables free of charge;
• spend pleasant and meaningful time with myself n family (entertainment);
As a result, within less than 6 month since the start of our SRTVG project, while still at its experimental stage, we have hugebenefit ed from this undertaking.
A: To-date, we have the following vegetables planted, harvested and regularly producing:
- Paprika;
- Chilly paprika;
- Dill;
- Ginger;
- Rucola;
- Purslane;
- Khodrah (خُضرة)؛
- Mint (Sudani, Saudi & Moroccan);
- Rosemary;
- White and red Radish;
- Zucchini;
- Lemon-grass;
B: Growing well but not producing yet:
- Grapes (Sudanese & South-African);
- Guava;
- Palm-trees (Saudi Barhy);
C: Planned to grow (largely medicinal):
- Green Onions;
- Garlic;
- Parsley;
- Argel (Del الحرجل)
- Halfa (المحريب أو الأذخر)
D: Lessons learned:
- Planted different types of Tomatoes, all failed due to whitefly. Preparing to grow tomatoes next in greenhouses.
E: I have designed nice (200 x 100cm) basins for cultivation using:
• aluminium mesh panels;
• marble;
• insulation sheets;
• wood-shaving;
• sand soil from the Nile bank;
SDG Goals
2- Zero Hunger, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production
Project Type
Vetted, Immediate Impact
Entity Type