Support Sudanese Farmers مبادرة شراءالقمح من المزارعين
Posted 2 years ago
- 1726
Let us say on every street there are 15 houses and two empty spaces (300) meters for each.
Every house from these 15 houses is buying milk and eggs for 70 pounds.
2 milk ponds are for 50 pounds.
4 eggs are for 20 pounds.
It depends on the families , there some buying more and some are buying less . 70 is the average.
Every day the families spend 70 pounds, that is 25,550 pound a year.
For three years = 76,650
Can you imagine that these families have to spend these all money on just eggs and milk?
So how can I solve this problem especially that there are some families can’t pay all that money?
How to start
As I said before if there are two empty lands in every neighborhood we can ask for permission from the owners of these lands and let him know what are we going to do.
They will welcome the initiative.
So what is the project
And what are the first steps
Propose an idea, the neighborhood project.
And tell the neighborhood about the idea, and why are we going to do this.
We will face a lot of challenges but it will work in the future.
We will start with the raw calculation.
Every family will pay 8,000 pounds per year.
2,000 pounds every three months
I know it is hard but trust me it will work in the future.
8,000 x 15 families in every neighborhood =120,000 pounds.
Let's say the cow is for 30,000 pounds.
120/30 = 4
Just 4 cows
Let's say every cow gives 10 pounds of milk daily.
10 x 4 = 40
40/15 = 2.5 pounds of milk daily for every family.
The 2.5 pound of milk is for 50 Sudanese pounds.
365 x 50 = 18.250 Sudanese pounds per year.
Can u imagine?
18.250 – 8 = 10.250 that is your contribution for cows buying
10.250 is your saving per year on the milk buying.
This amount can help you with other things.
Poultry project
Let's go to the chicken that gives eggs and white meat
As a requirement for the projects that we always start with
1-poultry natural reserve.
2- consider the health status of the chicken
3-chicken food.
Starting with the prepay system
Every house pay 4,000 pounds
4,000 x 15 = 60,000
The normal poultry reserve is for 30,000 pounds.
We have extra 30,000 pounds
One healthy chicken is for 300 pounds
Let us say the chicken can give 5 eggs every three days
5 x 15 = 75 eggs
Weekly the chicken will give 150 eggs.
Every family can take 10 eggs.
Let's say you buy eggs for 10 pounds daily.
10 x 30 = 300
10 x 365 = 3.650,000 pounds every year
Too much money, right?
After 3 months we will have around 45 chickens
45 chickens x 5 ( the number of eggs that the one chicken gives )
In 3 days x 6 days a week = 450 eggs a week.
450/15=30.30 eggs for every family weekly
30 – 10 = 20 eggs.
For every family 10 egg expenses.
10 x 5 =750 pounds weekly.
750 is the chicken expenses for food weekly.
Every family at the end of the project paid 12,000 pounds for the chicken and the cows.
Imagen that the Sudanese citizens spent 60 pounds daily.
Eggs for 10 pounds.
Milk for 50 pounds.
60 x 365 = 21.900
That’s your saving per year from the family expenses
This amount will solve a lot of problems for families.
Let me show you the benefits of this project
1. Natural milk from the cow, for the consumer, free of water, free of pollution
2. A very natural egg from the natural chicken, free of injection or any other fattening material
3. Providing daily expenses for all Sudanese families in the amount of 60 pounds or more per day
4. With the passage of time and the multiplication of cows and chickens, it is possible to benefit from the use of white and red meat, free of charge for the people of the neighborhood.
5. Sufficient sufficiency for each neighborhood of milk, its derivatives, and eggs
The self-sufficiency for every neighborhood from the milk and the eggs.
What the affection of that?
Imagine every neighborhood have those things
Who will go to the markets to buy eggs or milk?
So what do the farmers going to do with their milk and eggs?
We can export the farmer's milk and eggs after manufacture it.
after the self-sufficiency of families and neighborhoods. This is reflected in the cheapness of living as inputs.
1. Health
3. Low living expenses
So that means we have a big amount of exportation and the families of Sudan still have milk and eggs that will be enough for them, and that will make the families spend less money than the money that they spent in the past.
And that will make us help our country and community to grow up.
The right plans will make us move forward.
And don’t forget to plant every two meters in front of your house ( tomatoes, radish, onion )
And exchange them between the families.
The other house can plant fruits.
And we will wait for it until it became fruits
Who is going to be hungry?
Who is going to be thirsty?
And who is going to be sick?
Our plants are so good for agriculture.
And we can move forward by these simple things.
Updated details: Cows farm (milk)
Initial feasibility study
Necessary needs + initial costs + production
A- The necessary needs
1 high production cows
2 A well-ventilated farm, close to the city, to facilitate transportation
3 good quality feeds type to produce good quantities of milk (Babiker feed), the best variety from farmers' opinion
4 straw or clover
5 guard
6 milker
Initial costs:
1. The price of the Friesian cow ranges from 110 thousand pounds to 140 depending on the milk production per day
If you want a rewarding financial return and you have good capital, then you must have the best types of cows in order to ensure abundant profit. The cost of 4 cows is good. Production = 4,500 to 5,000
2. If you do not own a private land for the farm, you can rent a farm with prices ranging from 5 thousand per month to 7, depending on the number of cows.
3. Feed per sack price = 2 thousand average consumption 4 cows per week about 1 sack = consumption of four sacks per month = 8 thousand.
4. Guard (Ghafir), the price is determined after the agreement, and every month end is charged and it is required that he be an honest and reliable person.
5. Consumption of 4 cows of straw = 5 thousand.
6. Milker, the price is determined after the agreement, and the price often ranges from 5 to 6 thousand per month, and it is required that he be an expert with cows.
C. Production
The cost of one pound of milk = 30 pounds from the farm
If you produce one cow (16 pounds) in the morning and evening, you have 32 pounds of milk per day = 32 x 4 = 124 pounds per day
124 x 30 per pound = 3750 pounds per day
= 3750 x 30 Account of the month = 111,600 pounds
You deduct the month’s losses and extract your net profit.
National Priorities
9- Social Development
SDG Goals
2- Zero Hunger, 3- Good Health and Well-being
Project Type
High Impact, Immediate Impact
Entity Type