Fundraiser For Flood Victims in Sudan


Project Summary & Outputs


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Fundraiser For Flood Victims in Sudan

The following elements are urgently needed:

Workers' & drivers' wages
Building materials
Crisis & Safety Equipment
Rental expenses for trucks and suction tankers
Manhole coverings

This initiative was created to make scientific process plans and urgent solutions to prepare for the autumn, and how to deal with its devastating effects, scientific methods and economic, through the benefit of the minds, expertise and competencies of Sudanese engineering staggering that drifted away from the former regime for carrying out development and professional roles during the past decades.

The objectives of the initiative:
1. Survey risk areas prone to flooding, and to develop appropriate plans to deal with the floods before, during and after they occur.
2. The work of a field survey to inspect the drainage networks, and the areas with drainage problems.
3. Develop plans and perceptions about how to open the banks and restored at the lowest cost.
4. Develop plans and studies before the government, international and private bodies to assume their responsibilities in confronting the autumn.
5. The adoption of awareness campaigns  about environmental sanitation and the gravity lock drainage channels dirt, as well as raising awareness in residential neighborhoods to avoid "RAMP" streets indiscriminately, causing the formation of pools and swamps.
6. Review of the validity and adequacy of early warning devices.
7. communicate with numerous voluntary organizations and voluntary initiatives to mobilize the necessary public effort for the success of the project.
8. coordinate efforts with the Ministry of Health to start spraying campaigns and the fight against mosquitoes and epidemics.

We suggest the following steps in the initiative to achieve the above objectives:
1. The composition of the committee of civil engineers and architects of urban planning and infrastructure engineers and all that are  interested to develop an initial plan to deal with the fall season and flash floods expected floods.
2. Develop an initial cost to start implementing treatment plans and discuss how to provide the necessary aids and mechanisms.
3. The construction of the crossings open and major banks, intermediate and secondary.
4. Government and voluntary coordination of efforts to deal with the results of the fall on the citizens.

The initiative is divided as follow :
1. The project manager which means the coordinator of the Committee and utilize it to whomever is appropriate
2. Finance Committee and logistical support
3. The Committee of Media and Public Relations
4. The Committee on Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene
5. Project Implementation Committee
6. Study and structure

The most important work of the initiative carried out by:
1. Cleaning and maintenance of public drainings of the sit-in 19/5 till 2/6 where the maintenance and cleaning of drainings happened and when the rain fell, provided mechanisms to siphon water from the emergency room.
2. The safya draining system (thd safya police  draining) after sitting with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the initiative depending on its abilities.

The draining system is divided into three parts:
With the total length of 3200 meters, tubular, built, and Turabi.
* Draining system starts from the city of Hassan Ibrahim, the owner of the east and even downstream farms west of Shambat Street * began work on Tuesday 16/07/2019 and is continuing till now.

Field-work Report for the Southern Belt Area ( August 2019)

Download Report

The Condition of the Omdurman – Bara Highway (August 2019)

Download Report.

Sudan Fall Situation Report (5th of September)

Download Report 


Project Information

Project Manager Contact

  • Phone
    0119131914 - 0997023142
  • Website or Facebook
    View link
  • Project Manager
    Dr.Nidal Abbas & Eng.Hussam

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