Cholera Outbreak Treatment & Prevention


Project Summary & Outputs


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Cholera Outbreak Treatment & Prevention

Current Situation

•As of 19th September 2019, Blue Nile and Sennar states of Sudan reported 124 suspected cholera cases with seven deaths reported.

• According to the Ministry of Health, the states that have the highest risks of cholera outbreak are: White Nile, Gedaref, Sennar, Kassala and Khartoum states.

• Humanitarian partners have provided approximately 146,000 people with improved access to safe water and sanitation in Blue Nile.

• Sudan NextGen contributed to assisting our beloved citizens by sponsoring the Medicine Bank that supports the flooding recovery in affected areas.

• The Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) is allocating $7.6 million for the cholera and flood response under its Reserve for Emergencies envelope.

For more information, please visit:

Cholera Prevention

All people (visitors or residents) in areas where cholera is occurring or has occurred should be aware of the basic Cholera facts and follow these five basic cholera prevention steps to protect themselves and their families.

The risk for cholera is very low for people visiting areas with epidemic cholera. When these simple precautions are observed, contracting the disease is very unlikely.

  1. Drink & use safe water.
  2. Wash your hands often with soap and safe water.
  3. Use laterines or bury your feces; do not defecate in any body of water.
  4. Cook food well (especially seafood), keep it covered, eat it hot, and peel fruits and vegetables.
  5. Clean up safely - in the kitchen and in places where the family bathes and washes clothes.

For more information, please visit:


Project Information

  • SDG Goals

    3- Good Health and Well-being

  • Project Type


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  • Timeline


Project Manager Contact

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  • Project Manager

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