Ita’am Project
Posted 3 years ago
- 2787
I am pleased at the outset to convey to you our best wishes for health and wellness and inform you that we are implementing the above initiative as a pillar Economic and health development within the framework of our plan to implement the principle of addressing the Sudanese burden and restore dignity to the Sudanese people Rural development is one of the priorities required for the stability of villages and the principle of health for all and for all and the application of the system of health in all Policies, a multi-sectoral joint initiative to combat poverty and malnutrition, health promotion and disease prevention Chronic 'non-communicable' and the principle of self-employment of young people and the introduction of craft industries in the family agricultural cycle and control and the introduction of the small industries system for vegetables and fruits in small factories mounted on containers.
To learn more about this initiative, please download the file below:
SDG Goals
1- No Poverty, 3- Good Health and Well-being
Project Type
High Impact
Entity Type
Ready for Funding