Aamaal Freelancer Platform (منصة اعمال )

Project Summary & Outputs

Aamaal Freelancer Platform (منصة اعمال )

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Aamaal Freelancer Platform (منصة اعمال )

Sudan faces many problems that hinder the progress of economic and security stability, and one of those problems is young unemployment.

With quick look at the latest statistics, we find

Current population of Sudan is 44,238,030 as of Friday, November 20, 2020,

In Sudan, the youth unemployment rate (the target group), which represents 60% of the population of 44million, reached the highest rates in the year 2019 at a rate of (31.4). According to World Bank statistics that is, an estimated (8million) young people are in the unemployment circle.

With more than five thousand graduate.

How can we solve the problem?

Freelance can be one of great solution to deal with that problem especially with high rate in office rental and public transportation issue.

Recently it has become an orientation to a culture of Freelance this is evident from the increasing number in new firm so they can do business legally   . To be able to compete in the labor market    this requires a lot of procedures and costs a lot of money in rent place

The platform includes all the young freelancer with different expertise and specialization provide their services for a profit. Or the owners of projects that need someone to help them.

How it works

The platform serves two people

  • business owner

By presents the project to be executed, Time frame, and budget.

  • Freelance

By present his offer, Delivery time and budget


Reducing youth unemployment

Create new job opportunities

Reducing the costs of creating a new business

Easy to find a freelancer

Project Information

  • National Priorities

    8- Youth Employment

  • SDG Goals

    8- Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • Project Type


  • Status


  • Entity Type


  • Stage

    Ready for Funding

  • Timeline


  • Project Detailed Plan

Project Manager Contact

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