Khotwa Charity Foundation
Posted 4 years ago
- 2049
Roshitah Tele-pharmacy was built on the principal of helping people.
The idea started within a small group of people who shared the same
principle, then it spread to bring the like-minded together which
contributed in bringing to life one of the most altruistic values of the
Sudanese society. Our team is always striving to provide the best
service and developing the most creative, economic and efficient
solutions in a transparent, professional, and the most probity of ways.
SDG Goals
3- Good Health and Well-being
Project Type
High Impact, Immediate Impact
Entity Type
In Execution
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
qQuick replies.
qSupporting blood donations.
qHelp raise the community’s medicine awareness.
qSupporting the patients with chronic diseases by starting a fund.
qProviding medical consultations via phone during the Covid-19
qArrange with the people to collect surplus but well-preserved medications
to provide them free of charge to the needy people.
Project Detailed Plan