Support Sudanese Farmers مبادرة شراءالقمح من المزارعين
Posted 2 years ago
- 1726
This study explains how we can solve the issue of wheat shortage and budget deficit in Sudan.
To learn more, please download the file below.
National Priorities
2- Stabilize the Economy, 8- Youth Employment
SDG Goals
1- No Poverty, 2- Zero Hunger, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production, 17- Partnerships for the Goals
Project Type
Development, Investment
Entity Type
Ready for Funding
Long term
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
توفير فاتورة استيراد القمح 945 مليون دولار
توفير فاتورة الزيوت
توفير فاتورة الدواء
توفير اكثر من 250 الف وظيفة
اجمالي عائد المشروع يفوق الـ13.5 مليار دولار
saving import bill for wheat
saving an import bill of edible oils
Employment of men and women by creating job opportunities for more than 250,000 opportunities
Solve the problem of budget deficit which exceeds 1.6 billion dollars
total income of project is exceeds 3.5 Billion dollars.
Project Detailed Plan
Supporting Documents