Women’s Knitting, Sewing and Embroidery Workshop
Posted 3 years ago
"The pollution resulting from plastic use constitutes the biggest threat to environment in Sudan,"
Sudan's State Minister for Environment, Abboud Jabir Saeed, 2018.
Use of plastic bags in Sudan, although with its benefit of being cheap and generating jobs, has had negative consequences to the country’s environment :
- Cause pollution in streets and landfill sites and
- Visual pollution to rural areas, by sticking to vegetation such as bushes and trees. This also damages animal’s habitats.
- Blocks waterways, which creates sanitation and health issues.
The aim of this project is to phase out plastic bags in Sudan and replace with weaver bags (straw based) or other alternatives (such as paper or cloth bags).
Alternatives to plastic bags:
Benefits of phasing out plastic bags:
- Reduce hazard to animals and plants.
- Increase cleanliness and beauty of area. Improve hygiene
- Improve people happiness and wellbeing through cleaner roads and rural areas.
National Priorities
8- Youth Employment, 9- Social Development
SDG Goals
1- No Poverty, 3- Good Health and Well-being, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production
Project Type
Vetted, Immediate Impact
Entity Type
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
Target - Phase out of plastic bags by 2025.
- Phase 1 - Pilot (trial)
Goal - Produce and distribute weaver bags to 50 stores/merchants in the first year.
Start by increasing production of weaver bags/ straw baskets. These can be purchased from traditional producers at first (such as the ladies of Darfur and Nubia). Distribute these merchants to sell.
- Phase 2 - Increase distribution and campaign about plastic pollution.
Goal - Increase distribution to 300 stores/merchants after 3 years. Advertise and emphasize dangers of plastic pollution.
To increase distribution and also raise awareness of dangers of plastic bags. This is to encourage people to purchase the alternative weaver straw bags. Increase production through the employment and skilling of more people in this trade.
- Phase 3 - Mass distribution (outside Khartoum), policy to reduce plastic bag use.
Goal - Mass distribution to 300 plus stores/merchants (after 5th year). Government to introduce policy discouraging use of plastic bags by then.
Once this goal is achieved, then the key to long term success is to sustain this and ensure through law it is implemented. Also clean up of plastic pollution can be encouraged throughout campaign to ensure a clean and safe environment for humans, animals and vegetation.
The campaign can also be used as springboard to other environmental initiatives such as:
- The re-introduction of glass bottle recycling for soft drinks, instead of plastic bottles.
This way Sudan can catch up with other neighbouring countries who have already banned plastic bags, such as Kenya and South Sudan .
Please contact me (tariq90@hotmail.co.uk) if you wish to help make this idea a reality. Through motivation and persistence we can make this happen (In sha Allah). Lets make a positive contribution to our world! :)
Project Detailed Plan