Sudan Flood Relief Campaign – 2022
Posted 2 years ago
- 1080
Khartoum State is the most important state of the 18 states of Sudan. It contains Khartoum the capital city and is the major trading, financial and political center of Sudan. The State is vulnerable to natural disasters, especially drought, flash floods, floods, torrential rains, earthquakes, dust storms, and other environmental hazards. It is also subjected to smaller scale but frequent hazards such as fires and epidemics. Those hazards affect the livelihood of people, damage infrastructure, develop health risks, cause economic losses, and disrupt development plans. Sudan developed a National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategy for 2016- 2030, similarly Khartoum State developed its own DRR strategy. This document is developed as the action plan for disaster risk reduction for the Khartoum State, which is aligned with both the national and state strategies. The action plan was developed with the participation of the key stakeholders for Khartoum State.
The work on the action plan is part of the “Making cities sustainable and resilient: implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the local level,” which is a three-year initiative by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), supported by the European Commission. Four Arab cities, among 20 cities globally were selected to participate in the initiative, including Khartoum, Republic of Sudan; Ismailia Governorate, Egypt; Nablus, Palestine; Nouakchott, Mauritania. The methodology adopted for preparing the plan is based mainly on the use of UNISDR scorecard assessment, in addition to the literature review and input from Khartoum focal point (the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport) for the initiative mentioned above. The scorecard is structured around the Sendai ten essentials, which provide an operational framework of Sendai Framework at the local level. No clear law in Sudan governs activities related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The Khartoum State Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (KSSDRR) Called for a new institutional structure for DRR to enhance the capabilities of the State in DRR and prepare for effective response.
For more information, kindly download the report below:
National Priorities
9- Social Development
SDG Goals
11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13- Climate Action, 17- Partnerships for the Goals
Project Type
Development, Investment
Entity Type
Gov, NGO