Sudan Flood Relief Campaign – 2022
Posted 2 years ago
- 1083
Vision: Enhancing the livelihood of youth and contributing to a stronger economy fueled by local talent and supported by socially responsible businesses and ministries.
Hypothesis: We believe that by providing the youth with skills and tools to succeed in the workplace, we can improve their likelihood of landing a job. By also offering training as an incentive to partner businesses/ministries that provide internships for the youth, we can make this a win-win situation for both the youth and the partner businesses/ministries.
Outcome: Improved livelihood for youth and healthier workplaces.
Executive Summary: This would be an intensive short program teaching business etiquette, skills, tools, and job readiness and partnering with ministries and private businesses to offer starting one year paid positions at the workplace to the trainees that successfully complete the program. This would be a way to engage the ministries and private businesses with the community and leverage their social responsibility to offer opportunities in the job market for youth that may otherwise find it hard to break into the workforce due to lack of proper skills, tools, and job readiness.
As a win-win situation, this program will also offer teamwork, facilitation and conflict resolution training to participating companies and partners in exchange for their support of the program and internships.
Although this program is targeted towards the youth, it will equally be helpful for those that have not been able to secure jobs or update their skills.
Further Details:
Where: Start at Khartoum and expand as we adjust and measure success
Cost ($3000) for Pilot (100 trainees)
Spending areas:
Programs / course design *
Instructors *
Location rent
Marketing *
Training location staff *
*We will try to leverage existing resources as much as possible.
Funding options for future growth:
Support System: Seek collaboration with private companies, ministries, startup incubators, UN Agencies
Program Offerings:
National Priorities
2- Stabilize the Economy, 8- Youth Employment
SDG Goals
5- Gender Equality, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 10- Reducing Inequality, 17- Partnerships for the Goals
Project Type
Vetted, Immediate Impact
Entity Type
Ready for Funding
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
100 Participants trained
80 participants pass program completion requirements
70% land interviews within one month of completing program
50% land jobs within 2 months of completing program
Project Detailed Plan