Sudan Flood Relief Campaign – 2022
Posted 2 years ago
- 1083
National Priorities
1- Sustainable Peace, 2- Stabilize the Economy, 8- Youth Employment, 9- Social Development
SDG Goals
1- No Poverty, 2- Zero Hunger, 3- Good Health and Well-being, 4- Quality Education, 6- Clean Water and Sanitation, 7- Affordable and Clean Energy, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production, 14- Life Below Water, 15- Life On Land, 16- Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Project Type
Development, Investment
Vetted, High Impact
Entity Type
Ready for Funding
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
It will settle peace among the fighting tribes in Western Sudan and in the rest of African fighting tribes. The peace will be achieved from stopping cattle not to graze on other foreign lands which mainly creates the fight between the tribes
its an integrated project which creates thousands of jobs in the dairy farm ,Dairy processing plant, feed factory , Slaughterhouse , Dairy training academy, leather factory , Arabic gum factory and in the Dairy company. It will improve standard of living among poor farmers by establishing schools hospitals and recreation centers
Project Detailed Plan