Support Sudanese Farmers مبادرة شراءالقمح من المزارعين
Posted 2 years ago
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Feasibility study for the calves fattening project
Project name: Fattening calves
Location: Soba West Agricultural Project Sheds
Cattle Fattening Complex (Livestock Department)
Name of the business owner: Ma'an Co-operative Society
About the association:
The cooperative association was named after the name value of cooperation, interdependence and the spirit of the group to advance the national economy and was registered in November 2019 in the registrar of cooperative societies for the state of Khartoum under No. 2493, including more than a hundred individuals from the founders (the majority of them were expatriates and the first goal of them was cows from fattening and other purposes) New members were added to more than 70 individuals, to be opened later for new membership requests.
Some purposes of the association (activities) as it is multi-purpose:
agricultural production - breeding and fattening livestock, poultry and fish farming - manufacturing and food industries - animal feed - waste recycling - providing inputs to agricultural and industrial production and preparing feasibility studies - agricultural services - providing agricultural investment services - mining and its services - manufacturing Solar energy - Marketing and communication services - Means of transportation for dry, cool and liquid agricultural products and packaging, packing and other activities in the future.
The association has a temporary headquarters in Jabra and a bank account in the name of the association at the Nile Bank, Hilla Coco branch, in which the shares of some of the founders were deposited until receiving a certificate of practicing the activity and approving the signatures for starting projects, the first of which will be fattening calves.
One of the main goals of the association is to improve the members and shareholders and facilitate the life of the simple citizen by providing livelihoods with the most appropriate prices, such as providing veal meat at the best prices, in addition to focusing on the quality and quantity of each of the materials used and the final product, developing animal production in Sudan, training and helping breeders, in addition to encouraging them and working to improve the breeds in the first place. Scientific development of production and studies to improve production and planning in the establishment of model hangars for the association and the breeders.
Fattening calves is a highly cost-effective animal production project for the high demand for meat. As a start of the project, a barn equipped with appropriate equipment and supplies for breeding calves should be rented with at least 150 calves with an average weight of 200 kg and sold as red meat in the Khartoum state market after the end of the proposed time cycle.
The fattening process is an intensive meat production system that relies on providing manual or automatic feed to the animal in pens prepared to meet all the animal's needs, including shelter, shade, feed, and water.
Feeding in fattening depends on concentrated feed, and the animal spends a few periods ranging from 60 to 90 days in sheds, this system gives the animal the opportunity to take advantage of its genetic capabilities to grow, so the animal growth rate and the efficiency of food transformation increases, and fattening improves the quality of meat and prepares meats production to compete in the domestic and foreign markets.
The field of fattening of calves has recently witnessed a great demand by investors to meet the need of the local market and issued from high-quality red meat, and the risks in the field of fattening livestock are less than what is found in other areas of animal production, which guarantees good profits.
The economic feasibility of investment in the field of fattening is high when selecting large numbers of oxen with low weights and a complete skeletal structure coming from the natural pasture and gaining high weights in a short period of time.
Baggara cows are the main source of meat production for domestic and export consumption, and they constitute 37% of the national livestock.
The herd is medium-sized cows of varying colors, except that the dark (gray) ones are the predominant and characterized by short pods and pulp size and the presence of a hump in a hierarchical form and found in western Sudan Kordofan and Darfur (Ministry of Animal Wealth / Animal Production Department "+ Book of the requirements of breeding Kinana cattle in Sudan).
Final product: 150 calves in the productive cycle (45-60 days), obese, with an average weight of 270 kg, with good health and prices.
The final consumer: individuals, Neighborhood committees and institutes.
A suitable and powerful choice for a specific product:
Globally, consumption of red meat is steadily increasing, with an increase in the number of people and an increase in the demand for food, and with what is represented by the major revolution in the meat industry in achieving the aspiration of the population of an abundance of healthy and economic food at the same time, therefore, the production of red meat has achieved several goals in improving the quality of food and providing quantities of it at a reasonable price due to the availability of raw materials and the risk ratio of the project is less proportional and for the provision of scientific information and practical experience (individuals related to the field) in addition to a short capital cycle.
Previous demand:
particularly high during the holidays and the month of Ramadan, in addition to the period between May to November, and the per capita consumption of red meat is estimated at 20 kg per year, which is less than the minimum recommended by the World Health Organization, which is estimated at 30 kg and therefore the investment in the field of red meat production must increase in order to meet the increase in consumption in order to reach a reasonable limit (according to information obtained from the "Ministry of Livestock / Animal Production Division").
Expected demand:(increasing)
The potential demand for red meat is very large to bridge the existing gap, which is estimated at about 33%. There are several factors that contribute positively to increasing demand, including health awareness and positive transformation of consumer taste with population growth and increased purchasing power of the affordable segment of citizens with the purchasing desire of meat by weak segments when Their material conditions have not improved or they have the appropriate price. There are times when the material return is rewarding, especially in the months between mid-May to November, as the import of calves to Khartoum State decreases, and demand increases during the months of Ramadan and Eid, and during which social events take place (according to information obtained from the "Ministry of Livestock / Animal Production Division").
Determinants and factors affecting purchasing:
It plays an important and fundamental role in the success of any commercial business, and for this reason, the focus has been great in taking competitive marketing policies that attract the consumer aiming to reach him wherever he finds and how he wishes to do the following:
1- Introducing the consumer to the product, its quality, and price through various media.
2- Income rate
3- Seasons (Ramadan and Eid)
4- Food culture
5- Seniority in the market
Offer evaluation:
The current supply and production capacity of the producers is not sufficient and is 66.6% of the demand (Ministry of Livestock - Animal Production Department)
Domestic and external sources of presentation and comparison of their prices and services:
Local sources: Centralized in West Omdurman (Al-Muwailih, Kandahar, in addition to Soba and Kadru)
External sources: Manufactured imported a small percentage
Competitors strengths and weaknesses:
Strength point:
Capabilities (availability of capital, equipped barns)
Seniority and fame (good marketing relationships, ongoing brand fame, good relations with producers and consumers)
Weak points:
1- Traditional production method
2- Weak scientific experience
3- Traditional marketing
Marketing practices:
Selling in general markets, companies, and butchers
Selling prices: (according to weight and production costs)
Selling at all times, and there are no government fees or procedures that affect the sale and purchase process except in the Al-Muwailih Market, where you pay 17 pounds to enter the single head of the market and pay 200 pounds as a tax at the end of the sale. (In mid-2019)
Information about the cattle fattening complex in the Soba West agricultural project, with barn pens and its annexes:
There are (63) hangars in the Soba West agricultural complex for fattening and marketing of livestock, with a capacity of (150) heads.
The total capacity of the complex of calves (9450) per production cycle. And about (37800) heads a year.
The area of a single barn is 1000 square meters, and it is designed according to the specifications of the broiler sheds, as it has shaded areas with an area of 180 square meters, equipped with a length of 90 meters in length and tassels with a capacity of 6 m.
The complex also includes animal isolation pens, animal reception pens, and a hangar to control the movement of animals, a den in which the field and health operations of animals are carried out, an electronic scale for animal weight and follow-up of the weight increase during the fattening period.
Technical personnel:
The complex has qualified and trained cadres of veterinarians and specialists in animal production in everything related to animal fattening, health, care and nutrition of animals.
Veterinary clinic:
The complex has an integrated veterinary clinic that includes a laboratory and a pharmacy
Feed center:
The complex has a center affiliated to the private sector that provides ready-made concentrated feeds. The Suba West project is characterized by cultivating large areas of filling feed.
Water station (artesian well and generator) Internal network for drinking water
Police station: To secure the complex from thefts, police personnel are available 24 hours a day.
Rental conditions for the Soba West project:
The presence of an official commissioner from the association with his ID card and a copy of the association’s record to sign the contract provided that the lease period is not less than a full session (3 months). Lease amendment occurred from the beginning of January 2020, when it became 5 thousand pounds per month.
Purchase procedures and required time:
Main suppliers:
Production sites directly in Kordofan, western Sudan (Nyala and Al Daein), and the local market (Al Muwailih)
Calves prices:
vary from season to season, rise in the season of scarcity and decrease in the season of abundance, and calves are available in the period between October - December. A Nyalawy calf, with an average weight of 150 kg, one-year-old = 25-30,000 pounds, with transportation. (End prices for 2019)
Currently, obese calves have an average weight of between 270-350 kg = 65-70 thousand. (Al-Muwailih).
Meat cows and fattening calves feed on higher rates of concentrated fodder compared to milk cows for their need for higher amounts of energy ranging from 69-78% digested nutritional elements. Each calf needs 3% of its weight, dry matter divided by 80% concentrated feed and 20% financial feed per day (the book "Feeding Small Ruminants").
All components of the concentrated feed are available on the local market and can be installed according to the nutritional needs of the animal. The feed is available from September to February (Animal Production Research Center - Hilla Coco).
The concentrated diet consists of 52% molasses - 39% wheat - 5% grinded beans - 3% urea - 1% salt.
The bush is full of corn cane sticks, and in addition, 2 kilograms of clover per week per calf is a source of vitamin A
Feed prices:
grinded seeds bag price = 1400 SDG
wheat bag price (40 kilos) = 600 SDG
grinded beans bag price (80 kg) = 1600 SDG
Price of a ton of molasses = 5250 SDG
Urea bag price (50 kilos = 2500 SDG)
Table salt (50 kg) = 170 SDG
According to the information obtained from the Animal Production Research Center (Hail Coco). mid-2019 prices
Veterinary medicines:
Internal and external anti-worms - vitamins - ambulatory antibiotics
Machinery and equipment: weighting scale - point marks.
Human Resources :
2 workers for 100 heads to carry out the work of providing feed only, in addition to a supervisor for the barns.
Description of the production process:
Calves are purchased from Kordofan in the first cycle. Calves weighing 150 kg, one and a half to two years old, and inserted into fattening barns and conducting the necessary veterinary procedures such as dosage, vaccination, and distribution inside the boxes according to weight and numbering.
The concentrated and filling diets are provided according to the average weight in the barns divided as follows: 3% of the animal's weight is a dry matter, 80% of which are concentrated, divided into 20% filling. It remains within the barn 60 days, provided that calves reaching the required weight are sold before the specified time.
Standard Production Capacity and Exploited Production Capacity:
Standard production capacity: 6 rounds with 100 calves per round, for a total of 600 calves per year.
Exploited production capacity: 4 rounds with 100 calves per round, with a total of 400 calves per year, to increase.
Suggested marketing plans and strategies: Expected market share: 33.3%.
Private strengths and services provided: High quality and reasonable prices.
expected consumers:
The public, meat manufacturers, leather companies, meat export and slaughterhouses Economic analysis of one calf fattening for 60 days (Provided that the number of calves in one barn is 100 heads and the period is 2 months)
The purchase price of one calve weight of 150 kg = 30000 SDG (Price includes transportation)
Rent of the barn per head during the fattening period = 100 SDG
The whole diet for a single head during the fattening period (60) days = SDG
Concentrated feed for one head during the fattening period (75) days = SDG
The green bush per head during the growing period = SDG
Lahoos stone for weight 10 kg during the fattening period (Dietary Supplement) = SDG
Employment per head during the fattening period = 100 SDG
Veterinary medicines for one head during the period of fattening = SDG
Veterinary supervision per head = 120 SDG
Total costs:
Total expenditures for a wheel weighing 270 kg = SDG
Sale price for calf weight 270 kg = SDG
Net profit = SDG
Cost for 100 calves:
The purchase price of 100 calves = 3,000,000 SDG
Barn rent = 10,000 SDG
Filling bush = SDG
Concentrated feed = SDG
Green bush = SDG (twice during the cycle).
lahoos stone = SDG (nutritional supplement)
Employment = 20,000 SDG
Veterinary supervision = 18,000
Veterinary medicines = SDG
Total costs:
Total expenditures for 100 medium calves, weight 270 kg per head = SDG
The sale price for an average of 150 wheels weighs 270 kg = SDG
Net profit = SDG
This study was prepared during the year 2019 AD and calculated on the average fattening period for two months. Price fluctuations must be taken into consideration during this period.
Monitor the duration of the productive cycles of the barns and coordinate their schedules for the continuation of the project throughout its proposed periods.
Monitor and record technical information throughout the course period and present it to the specialists for use in the project development.
Funding type of the project:
One of the contributors is "Self-financing with the contributions of the members of the association" according to the shares offered to them.
With regard to the experimental stage (two months with 100 calves), knowing that the smaller the number, the more costs it will have. the profit rate will be very low and may lead to a loss.
About the project:
Fattening calves is a highly cost-effective animal production project for the high demand for meat.
As a start of the project, a barn is leased with equipment and supplies suitable for raising calves at least 50 wheels with an average weight of 100 kg and sold as red meat in the Khartoum state market after the end of the proposed time cycle.
Products and services:
Veal and Animal Waste (Roth).
Focus on the quality of both the materials used and the final product.
Development of animal production in Sudan, training, and assistance for breeders, as well as their encouragement.
Work on improving strains with scientific foundations for production development and conducting studies to improve production.
Start thinking about creating model hangars for the association and for the breeders.
Marketing and target locations:
Direct selling to the public and the butchery spread in Khartoum state, in addition to the slaughterhouses and markets (such as the Muwailih market in West Omdurman)
National Priorities
2- Stabilize the Economy, 9- Social Development
SDG Goals
8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, 10- Reducing Inequality, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production
Project Type
High Impact
Entity Type
Ready for Funding
Long term
Project Detailed Plan