Support Sudanese Farmers مبادرة شراءالقمح من المزارعين
Posted 2 years ago
- 1719
Sudan is one of the developing countries, but it has vast unexploited natural resources and wealth represented in more than 200 million acres suitable for agriculture and high fertility, of which only 30 million acres are cultivated, and it has freshwater sources from rain, rivers, and groundwater, and various climates make it fit to cultivate all field and horticultural crops, has a large animal wealth (110) million animals and ranks first in the Arab world and the second in Africa and the Rome World Food Conference in 1974 attested Sudan the capacity of (world food basket) because it is able alone In the event of the exploitation of its resources and Large and diverse wealth it will be able to feed a quarter of the world's population and five times the population of the Arab world.
To learn more, please download the file below:
National Priorities
2- Stabilize the Economy
SDG Goals
8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production
Project Type
Vetted, High Impact
Entity Type
Ready for Funding
Long term
Measurable Outcomes (Goals)
(1) Achieving the goals of the new state's plan to export the materials after they are manufactured and not to export them in the form of raw materials
(2) Contribute to the country's development by making optimal use of its natural resources.
(3) Support production in Sudan by providing manufactured feed for livestock development in the country, which helps in providing the best livestock products for export and domestic consumption.
(4) Providing hard currencies for Sudan by increasing the export earnings.
(5) Providing work opportunities for a large number of Sudanese from various specializations (workers, drivers, mechanics, engineers, administrators, technicians, employees, etc.) and contributing to this in reducing unemployment and providing decent living opportunities for the families of workers.
(6) Implementing projects in the field of (corporate social responsibility) by monitoring part of the company's profits to support education and health and Services in areas of need.
(7) Make profits for the owners of the project.
Project Detailed Plan