Dr. Abuobaida Yassin

Member Title: Assistant Professor, Internist, Health Professions Educationalist
Organization: Jazan University, Saudi Arabia



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I’m Dr. ABUOBAIDA YASSIN, an Assistant Professor – Internist – Pulmonologist – Health Professions Educationalist – Healthcare Simulation Educator – Faculty of Medicine – Jazan University, Saudi Arabia. I’m interested in health profession education, medical simulation, training and professional development, research and community service activities. Since I joined Jazan University (Apr 2009) I worked a lot in field of medical education and simulation. For the last 7 years I worked extensively in Medical Education Unit and established new Clinical Simulation Unit (CSU), throughout this period I was supervising all CSU activities technically and managerially.

I also worked as deputy head of International Collaboration Unit for 3 years (2012-2014) arranging different international collaboration activities (Agreements, MOUs, partnership, Faculty exchange, consultations, Visiting Professor missions, Identify potential collaborators for exploring areas and scope for collaboration, ……..). One of the major tasks of this unit is International Exchange Program, Which is unique program in Saudi Arabia; I was supervisor for this program during my work in the unit.

I provided many training program locally and internationally in field of health profession education, healthcare simulation, evidence-based practice, strategic planning and medical field.

I’m a member of many international societies and association in pulmonology, healthcare simulation, health profession education and evidence-based practice.

My current posts: head, CPD Unit, Associate Director Medical education Unit, Head, Program Development Committee and member of curriculum committee.

I published more than 15 papers in peer reviewed international journals.

I keep my career as clinician (consultant Pulmonologist) in the hospital with full activities including weekly on calls, weekly OPDs, twice a week consultations, twice a week grand round and participate in scientific activities on weekly base.