Abdel Moneim Ali

Member Title: MD, MPH


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Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Cell: +1-781-888 1202


Master of Public Health in International Health and Development

Concentration: Coping with Complex Emergencies 

Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, LA

Diploma in Pathological Anatomy

Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia (former)

Doctorate in Medicine (M.D.)

Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia (former)


Medical Interpreter & Translation, MGH ISTS Services,

 Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston, MA 2009 –2014

Support the Mass General Hospital community in the delivery of culturally competent care and facilitate access to hospital services for non-English- or limited-English-proficient patients & address the minority disparity issues.  Assist overseas patients with language-interpretation services and other administrative details.

Regional Epidemiologist, Southern Maine Region, Portland, ME 2003- 2009

Promote and collect reports of notifiable infectious conditions; investigate cases, clusters and outbreaks of notifiable infectious diseases and conditions; provide consultation to health professionals, institutions, agencies and individual citizens regarding the transmission and control interventions of infectious diseases.

Plan and implement the required Public Health intervention measures to control infectious diseases.  Conduct active disease surveillance activities and work with the hospitals, labs and the community organizations to enhance the state of Maine infectious disease surveillance system – especially as related to emerging infectious diseases, antibiotic microbial resistance, potential Bio-Terrorism related events (preparedness and response planning) and other public health emergencies.

Member of the Workgroup of Community Containment Measures in the development of the State of Maine plans for Preparedness and Response to Pandemic/Avian Influenza.  Plans are to integrate emergency, medical response and state public health plans at the county level to ensure coordination of social and mental health services, mass casualty management, community support services, business and school planning, etc.

As a member of the New England Regional Minority Health Committee I have participated in the preparation of the Regional Conference of 2005.

  • Conducted a study survey to identify the trend of increased numbers of false positive Anti hepatitis A viral IgM Antibodies serology markers in Maine in 2004. Currently working in a survey study about the assessment of Meningococcal vaccination policies in Maine colleges and universities.


ASPH/CDC Senior Research Fellow, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), National Immunization Program (NIP), Immunization Services Division (ISD), Health Services Research and Evaluation Branch (HSREB), Atlanta, GA 2001- 2003

As a member of the team of the CDC/National Immunization Program, participated in several health service evaluation and vaccine preventable diseases surveillance research studies e.g. was the first

author of a study of the evaluation of the current varicella disease surveillance system, which is

published in the CDC MMWR web site:


Participated in the conduction of numerous study projects including: evaluating the vaccination operational systems in the USA, and came up with recommendations and ideas which might improve the current Vaccine Preventable Disease surveillance and reporting system; evaluated vaccine accountability activities and addressed the barriers facing the enhancement of vaccination coverage; evaluated and compared disease incidents with vaccination coverage in different settings; evaluated the Rural Health Services and the Federally Qualified Clinics in the USA.

Capstone Intern, Louisiana State Office of Public Health, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Department, New Orleans, LA 2000- 2000

Conducted the surveillance of Hepatitis (A, B and C liver virus infection).  Collected data from clinics and medical labs to verify case acuteness and/or chronicity.  Filled out the CDC viral hepatitis case records and entered the acute and chronic cases in the Louisiana Hepatitis database records.  Conducted hepatitis C surveys and patient questionnaires.  Analyzed the demographic and clinical data for the risk factors, trends, and incidents using Epi Info 2000 statistical software.  Entered and analyzed data of disease outbreaks to determine concepts of disease prevention and adoption of adequate control policies.

Family Advocate, Chicago Public Schools, Early Childhood Education (Cradle to Class Room), Chicago, IL (part time) 1998- 1999

Worked in Chicago Public Schools Project to prevent or reduce teen pregnancies.  Helped pregnant teens access community based resources to help them stay in school during and after unplanned and mostly unwanted pregnancies. Educated pregnant teens in how to nurture infants.  Maintained the demographic and statistical data regarding the tendencies and trends of teen pregnancies in the greater Chicago area.  Followed up with the health and the nutritional condition of infants. Made home visits to evaluate the living environment.  Advised on physical, social, emotional/personal development and how to strengthen the creative language of at risk children ages zero to three years.

Lab Researcher, Specialized Clinical Labs, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Dissected biopsies, read and diagnosed Gynecological and non-Gynecological cytology specimens and entered diagnosis and description into database.  Read Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy.  Was preparing bioptical and histological slides.  Read slides and diagnosed cases.

surveillance and Evaluation Unit Team Member, Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), Sudan Ministry of Health, Khartoum, Sudan  1987-1990

Monitored and evaluated the progress of vaccination coverage of children under 5 in different regions of the country.  Participated with the Sudan EPI surveillance team in the planning, designing, collecting and

analyzing data of different epidemiologic surveys and conducted many evaluation, monitoring and surveillance studies that will be detailed under Achievements subtitle.



Technical Officer, Office of the Director of Health Services in Khartoum Region, Khartoum, Sudan

Participated in 1985 with WHO epidemiologic surveillance study of the outbreak of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Central Sudan, White Nile Region.

As a team member of the Continued Education Program, participated in the planning and organization of different educational materials and courses for the Maternity and Child Health (MCH) units’ staff in the Blue and the White Nile district of Khartoum Region.  Planned and organized different courses of Primary Health Care (PHC) components, such as Health Education, Antenatal Care (ANC), Control of Diarrheal Diseases (CDD) and prevention, management and treatment of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in infants and small children.  Courses were designed for paramedical staff (medical assistants, health visitors, midwives, nurses, etc) and funded by World Health Organization (WHO).

In charge of the Drug Revolving Fund, a project conducted in collaboration with Save the Children Fund U.K. Organization that offered a low cost and sustainable drug supply to the needy patients of Khartoum Province. Head of the operation for the Maternity and Child Health MCH units of the Health Centers in Khartoum.

Rural Hospital Director and General Practitioner, Oddia Rural Hospital, Kordofan Region, Sudan.  Worked with the nomad inhabitants of the Oddia area in Western Sudan.  Mobilized community resources and organized participation of the community to set up and run a feeding center including a feeding program for children under 5 and pregnant women. Organized and arranged the formation of Committees from the local influential leaders of the community, Youth and Women Organizations, Students’ Unions and the Association of Businessmen in the area.  Organized community to collect perishable foodstuffs to add to general rations (donated by the USAID, UNICEF and several NGOs.), wood fuel, distribution of wet food in the feeding center for malnourished children and anemic, pregnant or lactating mothers.

General Practitioner, Soba Hospital, Khartoum University, Khartoum, Sudan

Examined, diagnosed and treated patients in the emergency, outpatient and referral clinics.  In charge of some beds in the ward.


Volunteer, the American Red Cross of South Portland, ME

Member Disaster Action Team (DAT) responding to emergency assistance requests.  The DAT team arrives at scene, assesses damages, determine immediate needs and essential supplies to support victims.  If massive scale and beyond the local capabilities, contacts will be made with sister organizations, ranking

public officials, etc. to integrate and co-ordinate rescue measures.  Member of the Service Delivery Committee that evaluates the Chapter activities and services.

Volunteer, Konbit Sante, an NGO working in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Using the CDC EpiInfo statistical software program to construct and setting a database for Fort Saint-Michele Health Center catchments area database survey questionnaire to assess the chief of households, children from zero to 59 years old, their age, immunization status, vitamin A supplement doses, childbearing women from 15-49 years old, their pregnancy history …etc


Volunteer, Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of the American Red Cross, Atlanta, GA

Member Disaster Action Team (DAT) that responded to local disasters. Conducted damage assessments, completed incident reports and interviewed those affected by disaster to meet emergency needs, provided appropriate assistance (opening shelters, mass feeding services and community disaster education).


Conducted, as a principal investigator and as a co-author, the following studies:

  • Prepared and published, as a first author, in the Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention a comparative study report about “The Decline in Annual Incidence of Varicella, 1990-2001”.  Incidence rate, prevalence, surveillance practice and the evolution of its reporting procedures in the pre and post varicella vaccination era, also monitored the varicella morbidity and the impact of the varicella vaccination between 1990 and 2001 in the U.S.A. (CDC/MMWR, Sept19, 2003/52-37)


  • Study survey “Assessment of Grantees’, Vaccine for Children (VFC) Program Accountability System”. Assessed adequacy of the current grantees’ vaccine accountability operational systems to determine degree of success in implementing vaccine accountability activities and to enhance the available tools for improving vaccine accountability tools.

Conducted, as a team member, the following studies:

  • Assist Diabetic Clinic of the Indian Health Authorities in Boston in establishing and setting electronic patients’ data base system using the CDC Epi Info software.
  • Study survey project of “The Evaluation of the Health Services in the Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHCs) & in the Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) across the USA.
  • Participated with the Sudan EPI surveillance team in the planning, designing, collecting and analyzing data of different epidemiological surveys and conducting evaluation, monitoring and surveillance studies.
  • A study to measure mothers’ conceptualization, attitude and practice (KAP) of Primary Health Care components such as vaccination, oral rehydration, breast feeding, and Tetanus Toxoid vaccination of pregnant women.
  • Participated with the Sudan EPI surveillance team in many routine surveys, such as the assessment of immunization coverage on household clusters, conducted a study survey to monitor children growth and assessment of children nutritional status.
  • Participated in the conduction of the following major studies, undertaken by the Evaluation and Surveillance Unit of the EPI-Sudan under the supervision of the UNICEF staff:
  • Study “Missed Opportunity of Immunization” in capital of Sudan, Khartoum.
  • Evaluation of “EPI coverage and mothers’ KAP (knowledge, attitude and practice)” in Um-Ruwaba Region, Western Sudan, October.
  • Survey of “Organization and Performance of ten EPI mobile vaccination teams”.  Mobile teams covering 35 villages in the following districts: Sinnar, Gezira, Dalang, El-Obeid, Atbara, Berber and Merawi which covered West, Central and North Sudan, August.



Languages: English, Arabic and Czech

Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint

Statistical Software: Epi-Info 2000


CDC Workshop Principles of  Epidemiology (Part I).  The course concentration is the concepts, principles, and methods generally useful in surveillance and investigation of Communicable diseases. The course was in the CDC Head Quarter in Atlanta, 2005.  

Train the Trainers Workshop.  Learned skills to train the medical staff how to respond in case of Public Health Emergencies or Bio-terrorism attacks, Maine Bureau of Health, Augusta.

STOP POLIO Program Training.  Arranged by The Centers for Disease Control.

The CDC Scientific Ethics Training. Training was a CDC prerequisite for working on different survey projects.

Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI).  Seminar-organized by the Sudan Ministry of Health and the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional office.

Maternity, Child Health and Family Planning. Course organized by the Sudan Ministry of Health in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Hospitals Associations, USA.

The Integration of Primary Health Care in the Rural Hospital Settings.  Workshop seminar organized by the Gezira University and the Population Center of the Columbia University, New York.