Consultancy and Training in Operational Excellence

NASR Operational Excellence (NASROE) is a consultancy boutique that provides services include; comprehensive consultation to help address gaps through professional reports, project plan, timelines and milestones. NASROE offers also suite of quality training which help your team transforming the organization into efficient and agile workplace. Moreover, we do provide our clients with a software product that streamlines the workflow of continuous improvement.

CONSULTANCY: There are 3 levels in Transformation Into Operational Excellence, Bronze, Silver and Gold level based on the maturity of the organization.

The bronze level covers series of engagement sessions which take place while conducting visits in the client’s site(s), evaluating current practices, understanding challenges and giving feedback on deviation and non-conformities. Number of cross-functional change agents to be developed and empowered with right tools and world class practices in order to transform the operational maturity of the organization into higher level. 

TRAINING:  Warehouse Excellence, Demand Planning, Transformation in Procurement, Seeing & Eliminating Production‘s Waste, Demand-Driven Value Network By Gartner, Complex Problem Solving and more.

Software Product (noe):
noe is a continuous improvement platform offered by NASROE. noe is a great enabler to perform and track improvement actions which elevate maturity levels of change agents and companies.

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