Investment, exports and imports in Sudan

Investment in Sudan is one of the best types of investments, where all the elements of industrial investment, mining, agricultural and animal investment are available. Hence, production and import, as it reduces the cost of production and with all these ingredients provide labor and low cost of production


The most important areas of investment are:


Investment in mining:

Minerals cover more than half of Sudan. Most metal formations are of economic value. Therefore, Sudan is one of the most promising countries in this area, studies conducted in the field of minerals research in Sudan, although small compared to the vast area of ​​Sudan to the existence of economic reserves of a group of minerals.

History of mining in Sudan:

The history of mining in Sudan dates back to the era of the ancient kingdom of Meroe, which was known to extract iron, and gold mining has seen intensive activity in ancient times, especially the kingdoms of Nubia since the Pharaonic era and perhaps more than 3000 years BC, as well as during the Roman era and finally invasions of Arabs, Mineral deposits. The research, exploration, and field and laboratory studies reached the presence of minerals in many areas of the country.

1. Precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum,

2. Garnet, ruby ​​and coral gemstones such as opal and aquamarine,

3. Base metals such as copper, zinc and lead

4. Strategic minerals such as iron, manganese, chromium and Pentanium

5. Rare metals such as tinplate, tungsten, tannal and nayoub

6. Industrial minerals such as gypsum, calcium carbonate, salt, talc, kaolin

7. wollastoniteTurks and Europeans.

8. Silicon, Barite and Zircon

9. Ornamental stones

10. Building stones



Mineral potential in Sudan:

The Red Sea: Gold silver copper zinc manganese iron black sand agate talc salt gypsum.

Bayuda Desert: Gold iron semi-precious stones Kyanite marble mica silica feldspar manganese.

Jebel Marra Darfur: Mineral basal agate kyanite sulfur salt hot springs.

Mount Raheb – Mount White, northeastern Sudan: Gold chromium phosphate bauxite platinum group.

Blue Nile: Gold chrome asbestos magnesium carbonate talc marble.

Nuba Mountains – South Kordofan: Gold copper zinc nickel iron-manganese graphite chrome uranium talc marble phosphate

Copper hole – Darfur: Gold copper uranium precious stones.



The most important strategic minerals in Sudan:

For phosphate:

There are two types of phosphate deposits: sedimentary type and phosphate type. Sedimentary phosphate positions are formed as horizontal layers associated with limestone layers in the marine environment in different geological periods.

The pyramid type was discovered in Mount Qarun and Mount Oro in the eastern Nuba Mountains in the form of lenses, veins inclined to cracks and reserve intervals of 400 thousand tons at a concentration.


One of the most important clay minerals (potassium – aluminum silicate) is found in sedimentary rocks all over Sudan. The quantities were estimated at about 30 million tons in the south of the Nile River state and the positions are of excellent specifications, which enabled the ceramics industry in Sudan, the presence of deposits of Alkawen in sediment and igneous rocks throughout Sudan.


It is an underground fire rock characterized by different shapes and colors and is used after cutting and polishing


Gold mineralization in Sudan in three types of rock, Gossan is located in the Aryab area and the Tertar area in the eastern Nuba Mountains,

Ereg Marw are found in North Kordofan, Baydah, Al-Obaidiya, Al-Batinah and Blue Nile.

Sedimentary gold is found along the Nile River and its tributaries, especially the Blue Nile and northern Sudan.

Gold Refinery: The refinery produces gold alloys with a purity of 995, 999 and 999.9 in international standard sizes. Silver alloys are produced with a purity of 99.9%. The refinery also produces gold and silver grains with the same purity. The annual production capacity of the refinery is 270 tons of gold and 60 tons of Silver.


Studies have shown the presence of iron in several sites in the mountains of the Red Sea and Mount Abu Tolo in South Kordofan and Karnawi in the state of West Darfur and finally Halfa old and Aljrajawi and estimated reserves of at least 2 billion tons at a concentration of 40% for the element iron, a kind of Petrochy form In sedimentary environments.


The vineyards are located in several locations in Sudan (Anqasna Mountains, Nuba Mountains, Red Sea Mountains, Bee Castles)


The most important manganese concentrations discovered so far in the Red Sea mountains and the Bayuda desert and in the sediment cover around Khartoum state and the northern state. The rate of mineralization in the Red Sea region ranges between 47-50% and in northern Sudan between 25-40%.

Base metals (zinc-lead – aluminum – cobalt-nickel): The base minerals are found in the form of volcanic sulfides of origin in the Aryab belt and the eastern Nuba Mountains, as well as in the areas of rupture, the mountains of Kordofan and the northern state.


It is concentrated in Abu Samar and Taqotib area in the Red Sea mountains and comes after the silver as the most important metal in the mineral deposits in the bottom of the Red Sea in the region of Atlantis 2 where the reserve is about 60 million tons with a concentration of 3.5%.


It is extracted from the Kutum area in North Darfur and there are recent discoveries in South Darfur, North Kordofan and the Eastern Nuba Mountains


Located in Dar Four


Located in the Red Sea


Located in the Red Sea – Blue Nile – South Kordofan


Uranium and rare earth elements:

These minerals are found in the areas of Darfur copper drilling – South and West Kordofan – Red Sea – Batana

Graphite – Mica – Asbestos

Graphite is found in the Blue Nile

Mica: in the Nile River State west of the partner of the type of muscovite and estimated reserves in this region about 14.7 million tons.


Asbestos: It is located in Al-Anqasna area where the reserves are estimated at 6650 million tons with a percentage of 1-2%.

Tungsten deposits: In the Mount Ayoub region southwest of Port Sudan, the quantity is estimated at about 531,000 tons

Gypsum: Gypsum is found in the Piraite area, about 75 km north of Port Sudan on the Red Sea coast. Tons to a depth of 50 meters


Agricultural Investment:

The area of ​​Sudan is about 1.861.000 square kilometers and is 85% of the area suitable for agriculture with the availability of groundwater, river water and rain. The agricultural area is about (84 million hectares). Sudan is ranked first in the production of gum Arabic, which is involved in many industries, the most important of which is the manufacture of glass and sweets, Besides cotton, feed, barley, wheat, vegetables and fruits.

Animal investment:

Sudan has a huge animal wealth: 30 million cows, 33 million goats, 30 million camels, 37 million sheep, 4 million horses, 45 poultry and 33 million camels. Sudan has a huge animal wealth: 30 million cows, 33 million goats, 30 million camels, 37 million sheep, 4 million horses, 45 poultry and 33 million camels. So that the investment in breeding and fattening and then export the heads live or export meat and dairy products.

Industrial Investment: There are many industrial investments in Sudan, but the most important is the investment in cement where raw materials are available in large quantities and is one of the finest types of cement in addition to the tiles and marble industries As for investment and mining in Sudan, many Arab and foreign countries went to invest in Sudan, especially Russia, China, France, Turkey and a number of other countries. The government signed memorandums of understanding with 52 foreign companies in this regard.

Done And Researched By Ali Mahmoud.

Investments in Africa:

Africa consists of 54 countries with a high balance of mineral wealth, a look at the top ten most expensive metals:

Tenth place: Rhodium,The price per gram is 37 dollars and is used in electrical connections, jewelry and turbine engines for aircraft.

Ninth place: Platinum, The price per gram is $ 58 and a full auxiliary is used in chemical reactions.

Eighth place: gold, A variable price between the rise and fall and the price of a gram is about 55 dollars.

Seventh place: Helium, The price of a gram is up to $ 2000, a gas that is created when radioactive tritium is dissolved and is used to produce energy from solar reactions.

Sixth place: Red Blair, The price per gram is $ 10,000 and is considered one of the rarest gems.

Fifth place: Partionium The secret of one gram of prionium is $ 10,900 and is used as fuel for non-reactors and spacecraft.

Fourth place: Torium, Grams cost up to $ 30,000 and are considered radioactive.

Third Place: Diamond, It is one of the most precious metals and the hair gram up to 210.000 dollars and used 70% of diamonds in industry and 30% in jewelry and decorations.

Second place: Californium CF, the price of a gram reaches 27 million dollars.

First place: antimatter, The price of a gram of that material to 100 billion dollars.

One of the most important African cities is not the product of minerals:

Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone is renowned for its diamond production and exploration on the banks of rivers.

South Africa: Famous for gold and platinum.


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