Strengthening Healthcare in Sudan

Sudan is:


* A federated republic with powers devolved to states and localities

* A land area of 728,200 square miles, traversed by the Nile and its tributaries

* Comprises 18 states and 184 localities

* Its total population is 40.53 million, spread sparsely, is growing annually by 2.5%

* The country ranks 167 on the UN Human Development Index (2017)

* According to the UN Human Development Index (2000), 26.6% will not live past the age of 40 years

* 46.5% of the population lives below poverty the line, while 8% of the population live in extreme poverty

* 9 out of 10 live on less than one US dollar a day

* About half of the children are out of school

* About 40% of the population lack access to safe drinking water

*More than half a million breastfeeding mothers and children are in need of supplementary nutrition

* Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (2014) is 8.4%

* In 2002, chronic diseases caused 41% of all deaths

* At least 80% of premature heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, and 40% of cancer could be prevented through a healthy diet, regular physical activity and avoidance of tobacco products


To learn more about Sudan’s Healthcare needs, kindly download the file below:


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