Salamat – Kadugli September 2019

SALAMAT Convoy no 25 to Kadugli on September 2019, Conducted Basic Life Support (BLS) training, Midwifery training & distribution of 50 new midwife Box, The kit contains all necessary items for safe delivery and the new baby welfare as well as Medical clinics that included: Heart Clinics, Paediatrics Clinics, Nephrology clinic, Obs&Gyne clinic, Dental clinic and Surgery OPD.


SALAMAT team to Kadugli consisted of:
1- Physicians team, total of 9 doctors. 3 substantive consultants, 4 medical registrars, 3 medical officers
2- Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Midwifery team, 4 substantive consultants obstetricians and Gynaecologists
3- Ortho team, 2 surgeons, one substantive consultant, and one final year registrar
4- Ophthalmology team, 2 surgeons, one substantive consultant, and year 3 registrar
5- Surgical team, 2 surgeons, one substantive general, laparoscopic, Brest consultant, one final year registrar.
6- Urology team, one substantive consultant surgeon urologist
7- Dentistry Team, 5 lecturers and Consultant dentists
8- Paediatrics Team, one substantive consultant Paediatrician
9- Anaesthesia Team, 2 doctors, final year registrars
10- Basic Live Support Team (BLS), 4 trainers.
11- Hearing aid Team, 3 senior specialists in audiology and hearing aids.
12- learning difficulties support team, 3 senior trainers
13- Social program organizer, one person
14- SALAMAT a program dmin, one person, SALAMAT – Sudan office General secretary
15- SSWA Team, a total of 5 (Journalists, photographer, statistician, admin)
16- 2 Medical Students Team.


Children with learning disabilities Team:
This team is a very important component of SALAMAT convoy. They assess the children with disabilities, educate their families and carers. The Team trains the trainers.

Hearing Aid:
325 hearing aids items were distributed to south Kordofan citizens. SALAMAT comes to realize that the battery lasts only for 2 weeks. Chairman Mr. Amass made arrangements to supply batteries for each individual for 6 months to come.

For more information, kindly download the article and report below:


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