Sudan’s Renaissance Initiative (مبادرة نهضة السودان)

Member Title: Service the community and technical support to the transitional government
Organization: Sudan's Renaissance Initiative

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The Sudan Renaissance Initiative is working on utilizing Sudanese engineering expertise to provide a practical and effective vision for a number of solutions and treatments related to the development of the government system in Sudan as a proposal to restructure ministries, develop e-government systems, enhance the efficiency of urban development, infrastructure and transportation in Sudan and provide saving plans for the first six months of the transitional government and medium-term plans. Future strategic plans, based on a large volume of data collected from inside and outside Sudan, taking advantage of the negatives, pros, and experiences of the rule of Sudan during the past decades.

The Sudan Renaissance Initiative is also working with the Resistance Committees in the neighborhoods to maintain schools and service facilities with community effort. In order to organize the maintenance and rehabilitation of the working group, in addition to provide direct technical support through engineering consultations to the various sites or field visits to engineers of the initiative of the Sudan Renaissance to the worksites, and take advantage of the existing expertise in the neighborhood committees through continuous voluntary work carried out by self-help and help the people The youth are keen to revive the country and direct the spirit of the Sudanese revolution and the great enthusiasm that the youth of the resistance committees live to serve the country and reduce the burden on the transitional government.