About Us
Plan International has been working in Sudan since 1977. Our work supports vulnerable children and young people to reach their potential in safe communities that respect their rights and gender equality.
There are many refugees in Sudan both from inside the country and from neighboring countries due to protracted conflicts in the region. Also, the country’s economy is deteriorating and public expenditure on education and healthcare in shrinking. There is also a high prevalence of child marriage and female genital mutilation.
As a result, the number of out-of-school children is increasing, there is a high prevalence of maternal and child mortality, and there is a lack of clean water and sanitation.
In response, our main priorities in Sudan are:
- Education
- Keeping children safe
- Health and early childhood development
- Skills and job opportunities for young people
- Participation of children in society
- Water and sanitation
- Responding to disasters and crises
We work in the states of Kassala, White Nile, North Kordofan, and North Darfur. We will soon be expanding to work in the states of Red Sea, Al Gedarif, and South Kordofan.

Improving the learning environment for girls
More girsl are completing school in North Kordofan State thanks to a Plan International Sudan programme to increase the quality of school buildings

Sudan unrest: Children must not become the targets of violence
Following a fatal shooting that resulted in the death of at least five children in Sudan, Plan International is calling on the government to hold the perpetrators to account

Equal access to protection and participation for children with disabilities
Plan International Sudan is supporting refugee children with disabilities like Tiagi, 9, to overcome the stress they have experienced by learning and playing with their peers
Where We Work
Our Address
The Nile Tower, Fourth Floor
Block 10, Building #20, Street 63,
Khartoum, Sudan
Email: communication.sudan@plan-international.org