Mini Bio:
- “I am International Volleyball Instructor,I visited or worked in 60 countries,
- I conducted many development plans to International Volleyball Federation, African and Asian Confederation and many African an Asian national federation.
Currently I am the technical Director of Qatar Volleyball. Regarding my previous experience in Sudan I was Assistant Secretary of Civil Service Peru.
- I assume that I have signification experience to pass it to Sudan amazing NEXTGEN.
I would like to contribute with your outstanding group of experts to the development of our beloved Sudan in two major areas:-
- First: The role and reasonable priority of Youth and Sports in:
– Inspiring and influencing positively the development projects.
– Avoiding waste of time and reducing unnecessarily drawbacks.
– It is an important tool and mean for unity, peas, and friendship.
– They are the ones equipped with knowledge and the know how to deal with the era of technology.
- Second: The group of NEXTGEN – so far – presented very outstanding and scientific development projects including steps from where we are (A) to where we are heading (D) or (G). I am afraid most of the development project will not fit -in easily in the current general situation in Sudan unless we address first the weak areas , negative legacy , stamping blocks and the threads”.