Dr. Atif Elgozali, Chemical & Process Engineering, Consultant, Petrochemicals, Polymers & Plastics Processing Sectors, Sustainable Manufacturing

Member Title: Dr.
Organization: CENTECS

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Dr. Atif Elgozali, received his B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering from “University of Khartoum, Sudan”, M. Sc. & PhD in Chemical & Process Engineering from “University of Chemistry & Technology in Prague, Czech Republic”. He is currently having an “Expert” membership of “Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) in USA” as well as the membership of the “Sudanese Engineering Society (SES)”, and “Sudanese Engineering Council (SEC)” in Khartoum, Sudan.

Dr. Elgozali started his career as “Process Engineer” at “ARAAK Food Industries Company – PEPSI Cola Factory at Khartoum, Sudan” and remained in that position for one year. Then, he moved to Czech Republic to get his M.Sc. & PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering. After he obtained the PhD degree he immediately worked as “Senior Research & Development Engineer” at “Kaučuk Synthetic Rubber Factory” (now SYNTHOS Kralupy, which is the largest European manufacturer of emulsion rubbers), in Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic for about one year. Then, he returned to Sudan where he was appointed as “Head of Plastics Engineering Department” at “Sudan University of Science and Technology” in Sudan for six years. Parallel to this, Dr. Elgozali among others founded and joined the “Technical Committee of the Plastics and Rubber Products” at the “Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization” in Khartoum, Sudan for four years. Then he moved to Qatar in 2009 and appointed as “Senior Engineering Expert” at “Industrial Project Sector – Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC)”. During his 7(+) years’ appointment at GOIC, Dr. Elgozali was responsible of conducting strategic analyses to entrepreneurs and investors to help them either establish or expand their ongoing industrial businesses. In addition, he was responsible of preparing and/or conducting preliminary and bankable feasibility studies pertaining to Chemicals, Petrochemicals, and Plastics products sectors. Furthermore, Dr. Elgozali worked closely with many technology providers and/or machinery suppliers to facilitate transferring their technologies to the GCC region. His responsibilities also included assessing technical and marketing performances for the ongoing industrial businesses to recommend smart solutions pertained to raise efficiency, energy conservation, waste reduction and achieving market competitiveness.

Dr. Elgozali has conducted many sector studies such as “Engineering Plastics in GCC countries”, “Petrochemicals Industry in UAE”, “Aromatics Industry in Kuwait”, “Methanol and its Derivatives in Oman”, “Lubricants Industry in UAE”, “Construction Chemicals in GCC countries”, and “Paper and paper recycling industries in UAE” as well as conducted successfully number of bankable feasibility studies in area of “Plastics Processing”, which were granted finance approval by “Qatar Development Bank (QDB)”.

Moreover, Dr. Elgozali wrote number of scientific papers, which were published in international refereed journals such as “Hydrocarbon Processing Magazine”, “Chemical Engineering Science”, and “Journal of Science and Technology”. Furthermore, Dr. Elgozali contributed with some scientific papers in “International Conferences in Czech Republic and Slovak Republic” as well as working papers presented at the “Industrial Investments Forums” and “Seminars” that were held in “Sudan”, “Bahrain”, “Qatar”, and “Oman”. In addition, Dr. Elgozali attended many “International Conferences” and “Forums” related to “Refining Technology”, “Petrochemicals”, “Aromatics”, “Methanol”, “Knowledge-based Industries”, and “Power Generation” that were held in “Qatar”, “UAE”, “Germany”, “Singapore”, “KSA” and “Qatar”, respectively.  

Lastly, Dr. Elgozali has more than 24 years of extensive academic, technical and research experience coupled with excellent practical knowledge of business planning, modern management and leadership principles as well as profound knowledge of Laws and by-Laws regulating industrial development and investment. Precisely, he is an “Expert” in the fields of “Chemicals & Petrochemicals”, “Polymers & Polymer Processing”, “Biotechnology”, “Diffusional Processes”, “Polarography Applications”, “Waste Management & Environment”, and “Energy Savings”.