Dr. Amir Hussain




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1. M.B.B.S, PMC, Punjab University, Pakistan– 1995.

2. MD St Johns Institute Of Dermatology, King College London, University Of London, 2005.

3. Miogate (Master In Telelmedicine And Telepharmacy) Camerino University – Italy 2007.

4. Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Training -France. 2008.

5. Emergencies and disaster evacuation and management training. (Turgomurich-Romania, Cesena Italy, Rome Italy, Milano Italy, Paris-France, Aberdeen-UK.


Certificates & training:


1. Occupational Eczema In Petrochemical Industries-KSA.

2. Anti Natal Healthcare Assessment For Suburban Population Of Faisalabad, Pakistan.

3. Supervisor: Protection Against Skin Cancers In Oil And Gas Industries-Ksa.

4. Team leader: Assessment And Planning The Mitigation of Medico-Legal Cases In Oil And Gas industries.

5. Thesis for MD degree (Laser treatment of cutaneous vascular malformation). King College, University of London-UK)

6. Thesis for Master (Teledermatology, Camerino University-Italy).


1. HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT MANAGER: Overall 15 years’ experience in health management in Oil and Gas industries as AREA Manager, managing the operation in 12 countries (GCC, EGYPT, SUDAN, IRAN, PAKISTAN, and INDIA) Onshore and Offshore (1998-2010).


• Senior Advisor for health management system includes: Setting the plan and developing the program with the budget and control measurement.

•Advise on creating and supervising the standards for health management system by reviewing the existing standards and doing the gap analysis for reaching the set goal following the international standards (WHO, CDC, OGP, IPECA) and local codes and regulation to create customize a sustainable system for health management as per the operational requirement.

• Setting up the standards for primary healthcare and emergency unit management in the remote area after doing the health risk assessment for the area which includes, geographical, environmental, ergonomic, chemical, biological and other foreseen risks.

• Advisor for remote area health services involving routine and preventive care, emergency planning, and management, drawing a plan for medical and disaster management and evacuation locally and internationally. (2010-2016).

• Doing the assessment for the existing medical facilities by doing the categorization (primary, secondary and tertiary hospitals and making the analysis, setting and drawing the evacuation plan and supervisor it is training and simulation.

• Manage the budget and program by creating the KPI and setting the standard for reporting and data analysis, optimizing the cost for medical services as per the setup plan with the aim for cost-effective services.

• Evaluation of the cost of services in order to be able to define the individual cost per anum to allocate the right budget.

• Vice President and advisor for world Healthy Aging Committee in the health management, standard development, emergency management, and budget plan and management.

• VLCC INTERNATIONAL-BAHRAIN CEO & Owner operate two sliming, diet, beauty and laser, physiotherapy services for wellness, preventive and rehabilitation purposes with aims of mitigating the risks for cardiovascular and other health issues. (2016 to date).


Professional Memberships:

1. Vice President of the World Healthy Aging Committee (2018 to present).

2. Sudan Medical and Dental Council

3. Pakistan Medical and Dental Council(PMDC).

4. Saudi Council For Health Specialist (SCHS)

5. Saudi Society of Dermatology (SSD)

6. British Association Of Dermatologist (BAD).

7. Royal Society Of Medicine UK.

8. St John’s Society, London. 9. British Cosmetic Dermatology Group (BCDG).


Courses & Meeting:
1. ATLS And ACLS From Romanian Society Of Emergency Medicine. 2008

2. Advance Emergency Management, Cesena – Italy.

3. Infection Control, Saudi Aramco.

4. An introduction Course For Laser Biophysics – Saudi Arabia.

5. Occupational Health Risk assessment and management, Saudi Arabia.

6. Strategic Planning Program for Health Management.

7. Photobiology Course, St John Institute Of Dermatology.

8. British Dermatology Group (BCDG) Meeting, London.

9. Annual Meetings Of Saudi Society Of Dermatologists, KSA

10. Research Seminar (Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus), Rayne Institute, St Thomas Hospital, King College, University Of London – UK, 2004.

11. Unilever Seminar; Predictive Methods For The Identification Of Contact Allergens: Past, Present, And Future, Bradford, UK–2005.

12. British Association Of Dermatology Meeting, Glasgow, 2005.

13. European Academy Of Dermatology And Venereology, London – 2005.