Al Mayzab Digital Library
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- 1838
We will build it and learn Initiative:
University of Khartoum Engineers Association
The project of the University of Khartoum Engineers Association for the maintenance and rehabilitation of schools affected by floods and rain.
For an excellent school environment that protects children from risks and helps advance the educational process.
An initiative that deserves support.
To inquire and support the initiative:
Please visit our Facebook page.
اهداف التنمية المستدامة
4- كفاءة التعليم
نوع المشروع
تم فحصه
نوع الكيان
منظمة غير حكومية
تحت التنفيذ
الفترة الزمنية
المخرجات (الاهداف)
5 schools in south khartoum complete remodeling
Classes and facilities