الاعشاب الطبية

مختصر المشروع والمخرجات

Medicinal plants

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Medicinal plants

Sudan  is a rich country with high diversity of medicinal plants and herbs that can be utilized effectively through the application of scientific methods during harvesting and preservation. Numerous researchers in Sudan and around the world are studying these medicinal herbs and plants to understand their chemical compositions and various health benefits. This research aims to regulate the haphazard use of these plants by establishing scientific database identifying their chemical components, benefits, and potential interactions with drugs to prevent adverse effects.

Collaboration with economists could help explore ways to leverage these resources economically, such as by establishing factories for producing medicinal drugs derived from these plants based on their active ingredients. Additionally, certain plant parts can be exported as raw materials to meet international demand for specific components.

معلومات المشروع

  • اهداف التنمية المستدامة

    3- الصحة الجيدة والرفاهية

  • نوع المشروع


  • حالة

    تم فحصه

  • نوع الكيان


  • المرحلة


  • الفترة الزمنية


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