Ehab Hasabelrasoul

Member Title: Digital Media and Communication Strategist
Organization: Founder and CEO of Smart Tasweeq Marketing LLC



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Digital Media and Communication Strategist. Founder and CEO of Smart Tasweeq Marketing LLC, Washington Google Advertising Agent. MBA, Sudan University & Georgetown University.

MBA in Marketing combined with 16 years’ experience in managerial level in marketing , sales and managing highly effective communication campaigns.Certified Marketer of American Marketing Association. Certified Google Analytics ,Certified Google AdWords Search Advertising , Certified Google AdWords Display Advertising , Certified Google AdWords Video Advertising, Certified Google AdWords Shopping Advertising,Certified Google AdWords Mobile Advertising.

Focus Areas:

1- Digital Media and Communication.

2- Integrated Marketing Campaigns.

3- Strategic Business Management.

4- Social Media Influence Strategy.


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