- B.sc in Architecture from University of Khartoum in 1977 and
- M.sc Urban Planning from University of Michigan, An Arbor, U.S.A. In 1983.
- Worked as Urban Planning expert for more than 16 years in Saudi Arabia, mainly concentrated in Urban Growth Boundaries (U.G.B) studies for Saudi cities.
- designed Urban Development Priorities (U.D.P) matrix for executing U. G.B. studies and still valid till today.
- Several Architectural works and urban designs.
- Transferred my experience through teaching in Universities when i got back to Sudan.
- U.N Habitat chose me as team leader for some of it’s projects in Sudan through which I adopted new approaches in planning ategies mainly the community participation which I used it later in all my own planning projects.
- I became general director for Nasifa for Engineering Consultancies since 2007 up to present which concentrates mainly in strategic planning, an example for that the urban local strategies for the seven localities of Khartoum state.
- I designed Um- Andaraba Investment Plan which became The 1st economical zone with its 16,515 Km2.
- I am a member of many specialized associations, Presented a lot of technical papers in Conferences and workshops locally and abroad, trained a lot of planners, Member of many technical committees, National expert in regional and urban planning, classified by a U.N. Habitat as a Urban Thinker.