هيكل الرعاية الصحية

مختصر المشروع والمخرجات

Healthcare Structure

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Healthcare Structure

There are five main regions in Sudan representing five congregations. The current format of Healthcare delivery is through Primary care physicians and centers providing General Medical care. Specialty care is provided and for the most part in two main city hospitals in the cities of Khartoum and Wad Madani.

The rest of the regions have fragmented specialty care as well as fragmented General Medical Care.  The main bodies of training for doctors, nursing staff, and ancillaries are provided in a couple of cities only. This results in more fragmentation, poor quality of Healthcare delivery, and an absolute lack of continuity of care.

There are no clear guidelines for Medical Record keeping and the current record-keeping practices are irreproducible.


The Healthcare System needs a full re-structuring program with clear targets in mind:

  • Delivering basic Medical care (Primary Care) to the whole population of Sudan in all its regions
  • Generating a grid of referral system that will assure delivering specialty care in the most efficient and self-sustaining manner
  • Maintaining and assuring quality control in Healthcare delivery
  • Generating solid platforms of Data, medical records and implementing Telemedicine Platforms increasing outreach


لمعرفة المزيد ، يرجى تحميل الملف أدناه.

معلومات المشروع

  • الاولويات القومية

    ٣- إصلاح مؤسسات الدولة

  • اهداف التنمية المستدامة

    3- الصحة الجيدة والرفاهية

  • نوع المشروع


  • حالة

    تم فحصه

  • نوع الكيان

    منظمة غير حكومية

  • المرحلة


  • الفترة الزمنية


  • المخرجات (الاهداف)

    تقديم رعاية صحية عالية الجودة لجميع السودانيين
    Disease Prevention & Monitoring

  • خطة مفصلة للمشروع

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