Solar Installation In Al-Bashiri Village in North Kordofan

مختصر المشروع والمخرجات


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Solar Installation In Al-Bashiri Village in North Kordofan

The current situation of the electrical grid in Sudan has been facing many challenges like many sectors due to the lack of clear strategy and resources. As a result, the health sector has been negatively affected by the lack of reliable constant power.

That said, and with the help of Allah and generous donors, solar panels have been successfully installed to obtain water from the water wells in Al-Bashiri Village in North Kordofan, and additional solar installation projects in Albashiry area will be implemented soon for both the medical facility and the mosque.


معلومات المشروع

  • اهداف التنمية المستدامة

    3- Good Health and Well-being, 6- Clean Water and Sanitation, 7- Affordable and Clean Energy, 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production

  • نوع المشروع

    تنمية, إنساني

  • حالة

    تأثير عالي

  • نوع الكيان


  • المرحلة


  • الفترة الزمنية


  • المخرجات (الاهداف)

    - الطاقة الشمسية الموثوقة في حالة فقدان الطاقة من الشبكة
    -موثوقية الطاقة على مدار اربع وعشرين ساعة 7 ايام في الاسبوع أساس لضمان الخدمة المستمرة للمرضى والموظفين
    وضوح نطاق المشروع المحدد وخطة التنفيذ

  • خطة مفصلة للمشروع

  • مستندات مساندة

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