Hanbniho Cooperative Society

مختصر المشروع والمخرجات

Hanbniho Cooperative Society

Hanbniho Cooperative Society has been registered and is now operating in the Omdurman area of ​​the Conference High School in Omdurman Al-Morada. The number of members is about 300 members, and the first task of the society after registration was to successfully clean the school itself and to plant it.

Nowadays, the society is working on distributing food supplies to its members at prices far below the expensive market prices. The association deals with the Ministry of Trade in purchasing monthly food supplies and then selling them to members.

The association participated in many campaigns during the floods to relieve the citizens.

Dr. Abdul-Jalil Division, Mr. Al-Amin, was elected president, and the lawyer Amani Moussa Abdel-Rahman, the secretary, and Mr. Elias Mahjoub, Financial Director.

معلومات المشروع

  • الاولويات القومية

    2- استقرار الاقتصاد

  • اهداف التنمية المستدامة

    2- Zero Hunger, 12- Responsible Consumption and Production

  • نوع المشروع

    تنمية, استثمار

  • حالة

    تم فحصه

  • نوع الكيان


  • المرحلة

    تحت التنفيذ

  • الفترة الزمنية

    مدى طويل

Project Manager Contact

  • الرقم
    +1 (347) 858-7302
  • مدير المشروع
    Amin Elhaj

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