منتدى مزارعي القضارف

مختصر المشروع والمخرجات

Gadarif Farmers’ Forum

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Gadarif Farmers’ Forum

It is a complex that works on developing the means of agricultural products and services in Gadarif State as a step and other Sudanese states.


يهتم المجمع بمناقشه مشاكل وحلول الانتاج الزراعي والحيواني بالولايه والاهتمام بقبيله المزارعين بالولايه.

و ينبني المجمع علي اسس الاقتصاد الديموقراطي الهادف الي جعل المزارع كمؤسس و مشرع لكيفيه النهوض بالانتاج واستيعاب الحلول الجديده في شتي مجالات التطور الزراعي والحيواني


The complex also works to establish and manage farmers’ forums in the villages of Gadarif State to discuss the problems facing agriculture and farmers in the region and convey them through the media to those who are interested and those with experience in the areas of specialized reform.

Note that the idea of ​​this project as a gesture, innovation or first experience will be implemented in the state of Gadarif as a start and initial stage and then expand to the rest of the states, especially the states of the Sudanese margin such as the states of Kordofan and Darfur affected by wars that did not have balanced development in the period of wars and in addition to the maximum states North, East, and Middle, and inspired by the idea of ​​moving the center to the margin, not the other way around, as happened in previous years, through sustainable development and agricultural renaissance to contribute to solutions to economic crises and peace-building and stability in the states to bring about a real renaissance of the homeland to achieve the countries strategy at the national level until we reach the level of developed countries.

Also, the team will publish the dates, places, and timing of the forums on our Facebook page with numbers and addresses to contact the forum coordinators.

و يهتم المجمع بتنظيم ندوات لتجمع المزارعين في منبر موحد ليخاطب من خلاله المزارعين لجزور الازمة وكيفية وضع الحلول و بالاضافة الي التواصل مع ذوي الخبره لتقديم ما تيسر من الاستشارات و وسائل لتنمية الانتاج بالمحاصيل الزراعيه وتطوير اليات التسويق بالسوق المحلي والعالمي.


لمعرفه تفاصيل المشروع الرجاء زياره الرابط

معلومات المشروع

  • الاولويات القومية

    2- استقرار الاقتصاد ، 3- مؤسسات الإصلاح ، 8- تشغيل الشباب

  • اهداف التنمية المستدامة

    1- No Poverty, 2- Zero Hunger, 5- Gender Equality, 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, 15- Life On Land, 17- Partnerships for the Goals

  • نوع المشروع


  • حالة

    تم فحصه

  • نوع الكيان


  • المرحلة

    جاهز للتمويل

  • الفترة الزمنية


Project Manager Contact

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