Dr.Ahmed Eltigani A. Rahim Elmansouri

منصب العضو Chief Executive Officer Founder and Leader of Al Rawabi Dairy Company
المنظمة / جهة العمل Al Rawabi Dairy Company

قطاع , , ,


وسم , ,

Career Highlights:

– I am the founder and the leader of Al Rawabi Dairy Company from 1989 to present,(Al Rawabi Dairy Company:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUv76Seu_-k&feature=youtu.be )

-as I had a visionary dream to build a farm in a desert. An endeavor all saw as a mission impossible, I have proved them wrong. I followed a personal passion to bring the dairy industry to the much-needed UAE population. Starting with a farm of 500 imported cows, I have led the company to grow to a herd of 15,000 cows, and an annual turnover of over 250 million USD.

– I have led many great innovations successes in the company, such as the introduction of the plastic bottles in 1991 to the UAE market, first introducing pasteurized juices in the region, first to introduce family size packages of tow liters and one gallon size and to be the first company to launch functional products in the dairy industry – such as Nutree-Boost( which is a breakfast replacer ), Omega-3 milk and Super Milk. The innovation is at the core of my everyday thinking since all products are enriched with multivitamins and minerals and designed to help
solve the health concerns of the GCC population. The company today is awarded with ISO 9001, ISO 14003, ISO 22000, HACCP certifications.

Website: https://consult.eltiganidairyconsult.com/

Website: http://Www.alrawabidairy.com
